IM Fic, A Puppy!demons'verse, Supernatural, Torchwood Crossover

Jan 19, 2008 13:26

Title: IM Fic, A Puppy!demons'verse, Supernatural, Torchwood Crossover
Author: rahmi and thedeepeekay
Fandoms: rahmi's Puppy!demons 'verse, Supernatural, Torchwood
Pairing, Characters: Jack/Ianto, team, faeries, Sam/Dean, puppy!demons,
Rating: PG-13 for crack and mention of incest
Spoilers: For Torchwood up to Small Worlds, for Supernatural, mh, let's just say S3.
Disclaimer: Not mine, never has been, never will be.
Length: 2124 words
Status: One-Shot
Summary: American faeries seem to have a different definition of "child" from that of Welsh ones.
Author's Note: IM!crack!crossover of doom, co-written with my wonderful rahmi, both of us half asleep and flinging instant messages at each other. We keep changing accents, PoVs, and what not. Be warned.
As always, not beta'd.
Crossposted to / originally posted at: Nowhere, since that IM window has long since been closed.
Written: January 2008

IM Fic, A Puppy!demons'verse, Supernatural, Torchwood Crossover

"Faeries. ... You'll have fun, Ianto. Relax, Ianto, There'll be no weird stuff, Ianto. Never again going to accompany him to America."

Jack thinks this is coming dangerously close to mutiny, but decides not to say anything. Only because he doesn't want Ianto to throw the thermos at him. It might break and they'd be without coffee. And that's it. He's not afraid. No, not Captain Jack Har- who's that?

There's this tall guy standing in the woods, at the center of all of it. He raises one hand and uses the other to try to push his hair out of his face. "Hi?" he says somewhat pathetically.

Jack raises an eyebrow and doesn't lower his gun. "You seen a child around?" he asks, while Gwen and Owen fan out behind him, searching in the undergrowth.

"Huh?" the kid says intelligently.

"A child."

"Ah, no, no child," the kid says, and then the faeries all surge up with their Come away, oh human child.

The kid looks irritated and promptly forgets that Jack's there. Jack has to say, it's not something that he's used to having happen to him.

"Look," the kid says, "I already told you once, I don't want to go anywhere. I already have enough supernatural crap messing around with me. Just... give me Dean back and leave me alone."

There's a mutinous silence before the faeries mutter, "Live forever," hopefully.

"No," the kid says firmly.

Jack thinks that either the faeries are a little fuzzy on what constitutes a child or he's a little crazy. Normal day at Torchwood then.

Maybe the faeries in that part of the world consider you a child for longer. After all, Americans are fuzzy on when someone counts as an adult. Driving, voting, drinking...

That is when it gets really weird. The faeries hiss at Dean (and Sam so does not step in front of his brother protectively), pout at Sam and look at him with this heartbroken, disapproving look Dad always tried but never got right so he had to fall back to yelling, and then, one after the other, they tilt their heads, have a speculation look appear on those distorted faces of theirs, and suddenly they snap and turn around. To the guy with the weird accent who had the thermos of coffee earlier.

Who gives a long-suffering sigh.

"Oh, come along, Ianto. It'll be fun, Ianto. A vacation! No rift, no weird stuff. You'll like America. Promise! And I need someone to provide decent coffee, so you don't really have a choice. Think of your bosses mental health!

The faeries turn out to be real opportunists and not picky at all.

Come away, oh human child.

Coffee guy sends a death glare to the freak in the military coat. "I'll never again leave the HUB. Order or not."

Then the faeries begin to advance, come closer, circle him, all the time keeping up their singsong. Promising peace and the end of loneliness in those hypnotizing voices of their that can be so damn seductive if they want to.

"Dude," Dean says, sidling closer to his brother. "They're freaks. Let's get out of here."

Sam twitches, because there's a faery in his hair, he can feel it, little tiny hands attempting to smooth it into some sort of shape. He's not going to deal with faeries on top of everything else, though.

"Agares?" he says softly, while the Welsh (he thinks he's Welsh anyway) man mutters to himself. His demon comes closer, the mass of them spitting like cats behind him, and scratches out (hate hate hate faery)

Coffee takes one hesitant step towards the faeries. Sam thinks he doesn't' even know he's doing it, his face is blank and his eyes glassy.

The faeries are delighted. Their song strengthens at this response, turns even ore luring, tempting.

Another step. Two.

Then a dark coat positions itself between Coffee and his admirers.

(Agares serves,) Agares finally mutters unhappily, moodily coming over to prod at the faery in Sam's hair. Sam hears it give an indignant squeak before it flies over to land on Dean's head instead.

"Get rid of them," Sam says.

He's not real sure what sicing demons on faeries would do, but at the worst, it'll cancel each other out. He could live with not having two hundred voices in his head.

There's an extremely offended silence in his skull for a second.

Sam watches Dean swat unsuccessfully at the faery in his hair until his demons all start howling.

"Oh no, you don't. Get your own pretty Welsh boy, this one's mine."

Dean stops trying to smash the faery against his head and blinks. "Gay British dudes?" he asks faintly.

Sam nods. "Looks like it."

Not that they can really talk. He routinely screws his brother into the mattress with a dozen or more demons offering suggestions on how to get into a better position. He thinks he's got the weird part covered.

He reaches behind him with one hand, trying to hold Coffee there, who's about to just step around him. The faeries start to look less self-satisfied and more pissy again.

And then they decide to play dirty. Come away, human child. Come with us. You will never again be alone. We can bring her back for you.

Whoever "she" is, Sam can see the whole group tense and look at Coffee, shocked, pitying. His eyes are wide, open, hurt, longing.

Sam knows that look. It's the one Dean gets when he remembers before, before the demons, before Dad, before all of it. When Mom was still alive. It's the look of someone who has lost his innocence, knows he can never get it back, but can't help it.

And Coat knows it too. Whatever it is they said, whoever "she" is, it's just the way to get to Coffee. He's turning away from the faeries, and while Sam's not sure it's such a good idea to turn your back to them, yeah, now might be the right time to try and get through to Coffee.

"Ianto, look at me."

The same vacant face, glassy eyes, looking more or less at the faeries.

One hand rises to his face.


Caressing, cupping.

"Ianto. Ianto."

Both hands, possessive, protective.

"Ianto, look at me."

The eyes still fixed on the faeries, but a whisper, so faint Sam's not sure if he hears it or only sees it.

"They can bring her back. They can save her. I can save her."

Dean breaks in, no kind of tact at all. "Yeah, 'cause evil things always tell the truth."

But this? Sam understands. Coffee - Ianto has no Dean. What's to keep him here? Maybe they should let him go. To them, to her. He'd be happy.

The woman with the cow eyes pipes in. "They are not evil, they just try to protect their own." She gets WTF looks from both Dean and Coat. Whose side is she on again?

"Lady," Dean says, remarkably patient, and then gives away just how pissed he is when he amends it to, "Sweetheart, they tried to take my brother. They're evil. If I had something that could kill 'em, I would."

He's eyeing Sam's demons. Sam's kind of hoping nobody's noticed them yet.

Then Coat returns to concentrate on Ianto. More with the hands on his face, gentle, loving. He's talking, too, whispering. Sam can't see his face though, can't hear what he says. Only sees how he moves his head to stay in Ianto's vision, to stand between him and the faeries.

Dean waves an obnoxious hand at the faeries and finally manages to get his free hand on the one that'd been using his head for a perch.

Sam is, somehow, not surprised when his brother picks up a faery bit its wing and tosses it casually into the seething mass of demons behind them. It makes a kind of panicked squeaking noise that's drowned out by Zaebos purring something obscene in the back of Sam's head. Turns out the demons can and are willing to eat faeries. Sam takes his eyes off of Coat and Ianto long enough to see the faery make a last ditch effort to transform into the bigger, greener version. It doesn't help.

Dean chortles in absolute glee beside him and throws an arm around Sam's shoulders.

Whatever Coat's saying, just when one of the faeries is about to step between them, snarling, face a grotesque grimace, Ianto blinks. Focuses. For the first time since this started, seconds, minutes, hours ago, sees, anything, something, something that's not the faeries, sees the man in front of him. Whispers. Well, more like breathes, but his face Sam can see, so he gets the word.


More with the hands.

Dean is so going to bitch about girly Brits and chick flick moments later. Because what Dean was doing (which, in actuality, was ending up as him having a hand on Sam's ass while he cheerfully taunted the faeries) was better than a little face holding. That's Dean for you, though.

Coat shudders, his shoulders sack. Sam can almost see the tension flow out of him, now he's gotten through to Ianto. Sees the tilt of his head that suggests he, too, is talking.

And Ianto's looking at him now, not through him, at him. And fuck, Sam gets why the faeries call him a child. He looks awfully young, and small, and vulnerable. Even Dean shifts uncomfortably. Sam may have the puppy dog eyes of doom, but kids? Kids always got to Dean. And Ianto looks all of five years old now. A lost five year old.

Dean nudges him.

"You ready to take off?" he asks. The hand on his ass gives it a friendly grope. He's got his eyes on the trees twenty feet to his left, not looking at the vulnerability because if Dean looks? Sam knows he's got to touch. His brother's never outgrown the compulsive need to make sure children are alright. Still, in this situation? He's pretty sure Coat's got it under control.

And Coat lets one of his hands travel over Ianto's face, to the back of his head, cupping him, holding him, drawing them together until their foreheads touch.

And now Sam can finally hear what he says.

"Promise, Ianto. Forever."

Sam doesn't know how a human, mortal per definition, plans to keep a promise like that, but Ianto believes him. Leans into the hand still caressing his cheek, sacks against the protective body in front of him. Tells the faeries, "I'm not coming."

The faeries are not pleased, to say the least.

The trees start to rattle and shake, a falling squirrel hits the guy with the big mouth (and wtf, they are using squirrels as weapons?) and with all the branches raining down on them, the forest isn't the safest place to be right now.

Dean notes that neither Sam nor Ianto even so much as get their hair messed, though. Special treatment, fuckers.

And then it stops, and when they stop trying to protect their faces from leaves and branches and flying squirrels, they see Coat and Ianto, again with the hands and cupping and protectiveness. Just it's Ianto's hand on Coat's face, his arms around him, sheltering the older man from the faeries wrath. He's shaken, but determined.

And the look Ianto shots at the faeries? Fuck, Sam didn't think he had it in him. He makes a mental note never to cross Welsh boys, no matter how pretty and young they look.

Dean gives Sam a death glare. "Don't even think about it," he warns.

"Think about what?" Sam asks, genuinely bewildered. What, did Dean think he was going to shield him? Dean can take care of himself. And even if he couldn't, a couple of sticks aren't' gonna break him. Much. It'd be funny if he got a splinter in his ass though.

The faeries seem to get that same vibe from Ianto, though. Maybe he's talking to them. If he is, he's definitely threatening.

And then, one after the other, the faeries retreat. Jump into the trees, disappear between the leaves, leave nothing behind but a whisper and promises of everlasting peace.

But Ianto already has that.


It's only five days and two motels later that Dean says, "Dude, we never even got Coat's name."

supernatural, crossover, torchwood

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