Title: Annus Fandom: Batman Begins Rating: PG Summary: Bruce, Gotham and the four seasons. Notes: Corrections for my Latin are welcome. Unbetaed. All feedback will be loved and cherished. Even the flames.
This is a really lovely piece. One of Bruce's strengths is that he knows he's vulnerable, however much the idea might annoy him - and I like how you explore that, and other paradoxes present in the man.
Oh, god. I am completely in love with this piece. The imagery, the poignancy, the Batmanness (you're forcing me to make up words) is al so evocative, and brings Gotham to life. Which has got to be one of my favorite parts of Batfandom -- the fact that Gotham herself is another vibrant, imperfect, complex character. Thank you, so much, for catching that. And for making Bruce real and fascinating in the bargain.
I just... can't say enough how wonderful this is.
And your journal, on the whole, also makes me smile.
I love Gotham. A lot. And I love that Nolan didn't sacrifice the personality of the city in his attempts toward realism. Also, I love that Nolan (and Goyer and Bale, for that matter) didn't sacrifice Bruce's humanity for a second, even though he's a guy running around a made up city as a giant bat.
I also have a really weird obsession with Bruce's relationship with Gotham, and that's something I don't think I'll ever capture quite correctly (no matter how hard I try), because it's oh so beautiful and complicated and strange.
Very nice. I like how you brought in some elements missing from the film (such as Harvey Dent) and gave us a snapshot of a year in the life. Fantastic job.
Actually, I read the first draft of the film's script, and it was written that Harvey was the DA and Rachel's boss was the chief assistant DA (think Jack McCoy on Law and Order). That made me feel better. ;)
I've friended you by the way. I'm random that way.
Oh, I have complete faith that Goyer and Nolan wanted to/would have included him but didn't have the screen time to fully explain him. The entire movie is so steeped in comic canon that it's strange that they didn't really reference him, but I am holding out hope for the next movie. :)
Comments 16
Thanks, and well done!
Glad you liked it!
Glad you liked the fic. :D
I just... can't say enough how wonderful this is.
And your journal, on the whole, also makes me smile.
I also have a really weird obsession with Bruce's relationship with Gotham, and that's something I don't think I'll ever capture quite correctly (no matter how hard I try), because it's oh so beautiful and complicated and strange.
And thank you for the feedback. I love feedback.
I've friended you by the way. I'm random that way.
And I friended you back, because I'm like that.
BTW, your Christian Bale icon is hot.
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