Title: Settling In
Pairing: F!Hawke/Isabela
Rating: PG-13/Soft R?
Warnings: Some vague sexytimes. General awkwardness.
Word Count: 6805
Disclaimer: Dragon Age and its characters sadly belong to BioWare, not me.
Summary: Isabela has decided to stick around and give this whole "family" thing a shot. Now comes the really hard part: facing Hawke's friends.
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Comments 5
LOVED the sweet/sexy greeting between Hawke and Isabela… Hawke's shyness at not wanting to press anything and Isabela's adorable realization of the reason. You've found a really nice balance with Hawke and it feels like she is coming from more a place of strength even though she still has some uncertainty (if that makes sense).
The horse/prig farm animal humor was cute.. I giggled :)
I have such a giant soft spot for the whole "Isabela never stays the night" issue and I like how she handles it here with her usual charm. The changes come slowly for her and she's dealing with a hell of a lot of change. So her struggle feels natural and not *only* angsty, which I endlessly appreciate.
Oh and one last little favorite moment is how smoothly Isabela moved to get Bethany when she protested bedtime. Yeah she rolled her eyes at it, but she didn't hesitate.
Ok, rambling finished. Well done!
Um, is that the ~end end? :P
Oh, certainly not. I've got at least four more installments planned out, plus the rest of Family. That will take it up through the endgame, and after that...I haven't quite decided yet. There are a lot of fun ideas that have danced around in my head, so there may be life for this little family after they leave Kirkwall :)
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