Nov 08, 2006 22:24
Who: Remus and Tonks.
What: The aftermath of her returning back to normal.
When: Nov 1st, after Dumbledore cast the remedy on Tonls
Why: ...You do want to know what the dream was, dont you? (;
Rating: PG at the most.
Two hours has passed since Remuss' meeting with Dumbledore. He took his orders of putting her somewhere down to rest, which he did do. By the corner of the room, where he usually makes tea..there was a couch. And the young woman Tonks was now laying on it, sleeping. Meanwhile, Remus sat in his desk, flipping through the Daily Prophet. In the first hour, he was glancing over her direction every ten minutes just to be sure, the remedy didnt have a backfire. Of course, he trusted Dumbledore, but you never know what could happen with such a complex charm. Eventually, Remus didnt check up on Tonks so often and just decided to read for now. Also, he noticed that the full moon week was approaching.
As the professor flipped through the pages of the newspaper, he heard soft mumbling. His green eyes traced from where it was coming from which was where Tonks was lying at. He noticed she was fidgeting in her sleep, mumbling. Curious, Remus set down his newspaper on his desk and approached the coach. He, then kneeled down to her eye-level. "Tonks...?" he whispered, gently touching her arm. "You alright there?"