Volume 33, Issue #971

Mar 11, 2016 20:40

The Cybertronian

Fiction Edition
5-11 March, 2016

Editor's Note

I hope you enjoy this week's roundup of fics to read. As always, if I messed something up or forgot something, please let me know so I can fix it. Thanks.


K Fics (G)

ragnarok-08 Clear the Area [Breakdown, Dreadwing, TFP]

K+ Fics (PG)

naboru-narluin Ticklish [Blast Off, Vortex, G1 AU, pre-war]

T Fics (PG-13)

12-drakon and Rizobact Dress to Impress [Jazz, Bumblebee, Spike, ensemble, G1]*
Bibliotecaria.D Ch. 13, Ch. 14 [Smokescreen, Jazz, Prowl, ensemble, G1]
missmaryr Ch. 9 Dance of Sparks [Soundwave, Optimus Prime, Rodimus Prime, G1]

M Fics (R)

Bibliotecaria.D Ch. 2 Overcee [Arcee, Overlord, IDW, BDSM, gore]
kit-summerisle Ch. 3: Loyalties, Ch. 4: En Route D-16 [Megatron, Optimus Prime, ensemble, TFP, violence]

MA Fics (NC-17)

ladydragon76 Ch. 93,Ch. 94 Crackalackalicious [Skywarp, Starscream, Thundercracker, ensemble, BV/G1, sparks, h/c, human mechs]

Plotbunnies & Challenges

Thirteen bunnies.

tfiwts {Transformers Fanfic I want to see}

Looking for a fic where Prowl was created as a living tactical system. Found!

Fic Recs

None this week.

Beta requests

None this week.


None this week.


None this week.

* Unrated by author, so my best guess.

friday, vol 33, fic edition

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