General Rules:
1. | You must join the community and sign up to participate in this round. To sign up comment on
this post. Sign-ups will be open until the end of the round.
2. | All icons must be made new and for this challenge.
3. | All icons must fit LJ standards (100x100px, less than 40kb, and either .png, .gif, or .jpg format.
4. | If you are posting to a private journal or community the submission post needs to be made public until the round ends.
5. | All entry posts are moderated to make sure that they meet the criteria.
6. | Do not add tags. I will add them when I approve your submission.
7. | Please use the provided tables. You can change the colors if you would like.
Round Rules:
1. | You claimed a show and either male or female. This means you will icon either male or female characters from the show you claimed. Any characters you want, as long as you stick to your male or female claim.
2. | No animation for this round.
3. | Episode stills and screencaps only.
The completed 20 are due January 20 by midnight in your timezone.
Submission Guidelines:
1. | You can submit your icons either by posting them to this community or by posting on your own journal or community and linking it here.
2. | The subject of your submission post should be: Round Three | Show | Your Claim
3. | Make sure to post three preview/teaser icons and put the rest of them behind a cut/link.
Have fun! I can't wait to see what you come up with!
Participants * * *
Themes | 4 Squares*, Blood*, Duplicate*, Fight, Goodbye, Levels*, Minimalistic, Sepia, Time*, Wet*.
4 Squares | Your icon will be divided into 4 separate squares. You can put anything or nothing in the squares, you choose.
random_fandom_0 Blood | Your icon must have blood in it. Either the word, the background, the cap itself, it has to be in there somewhere.
chayiana |
icy_imaginary Duplicate | The cap you use for this icon must be duplicated at least once in the icon. It doesn't have to be the entire image, but we need to be able to tell that they are the same.
random_fandom_0 Levels | Your icon should have at least two levels, one on top of the other.
chayiana |
random_fandom_0 |
icy_imaginary Time | Your icon should have some sort of concept of time involved. You can use a clock texture, the word time, a clock in the background, a character's watch, etc.
Wet | Exactly like it sounds. Icon someone from your show wet. Rain, bathtub, ice bucket challenge, drink dumped on their head. Doesn't matter how, as long as they are visibly wet.
Category | Primary | Pick a primary color (red, blue, yellow) and use it as the main color in all FIVE (5) icons.
Artist Choice | FIVE (5) icons of your choice.
10 Themes |
4 Squares |
Blood |
Dupilicate |
Fight |
Goodbye |
Levels |
Minimalistic |
Sepia |
Time |
Wet |
Category | Primary |
01 |
02 |
03 |
04 |
05 |
Artist's Choice |
01 |
02 |
03 |
04 |
05 |