Round Seven | Information

May 01, 2017 19:46

General Rules:

1. You must join the community and sign up to participate in this round. To sign up comment on this post. Sign-ups will be open until the end of the round.

2. All icons must be made new and for this challenge.

3. All icons must fit LJ standards (100x100px, less than 40kb, and either .png, .gif, or .jpg format.

4. If you are posting to a private journal or community the submission post needs to be made public until the round ends.

5. All entry posts are moderated to make sure that they meet the criteria.

6. Do not add tags. I will add them when I approve your submission.

7. Please use the provided tables. Feel free to change the colors if you would like.

Round Rules:
1. You claimed a show.

2. No animation for this round.

3. Episode stills and screencaps only.

4. Have fun! I can't wait to see what you come up with!

The completed 20 are due May 20 by midnight in your timezone.

Submission Guidelines:
1. You can submit your icons either by posting them to this community or by posting on your own journal or community and linking it here.

2. The subject of your submission post should be: Round Seven | Your Claim

3. Make sure to post three preview/teaser icons and put the rest of them behind a cut or link.


Special Round: 20 Themes
01. Alone
02. BFF*
03. Cityscape*
04. Duality*
05. Eyes
06. Favorite Character
07. Glass*
08. Half*
09. I ♡*
10. Jewelry
11. Kiss
12. Light Texture*
13. Minor Character
14. Numbers*
15. OTP*
16. Pale*
17. Quote
18. Relaxed
19. Silhouette*
20. Transportation

BFF: Icon best friends from your show. Only the BFFs should be in the icon, no one else.

Cityscape: Use a city type texture in your background or if you have a cap where your character is obviously in a city environment then you can use that.

Duality: Pick a character and icon them showing two vastly different settings, emotions, character traits.

Glass: You can really do anything here as long as 'glass' is involved. It could be glasses, mirror, window, an actual glass, etc.

Half: Your icon should ONLY show half of your character. Half their face or body.

I ♡: Your icon needs to show something you love about the show. It should say "I ♡" and then you fill in the blank.

Light Texture: You should use some form of light texture in your icon.

Numbers: Your icon must contain at least 1 number, it can be the actual number or written 6 or Six.

OTP: Your One True Pairing for your show, canon or non-canon.

Pale: The coloring of your icon should be pale.

Silhouette: Definition: Cast or show (someone or something) as a dark shape and outline against a lighter background.


20 Themes
Favorite CharacterGlassHalfI ♡Jewelry
KissLight TextureMinor CharacterNumbersOTP

If you have any questions, please feel free to comment here or PM me.

information, round 07

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