Negotiations 51

Jan 08, 2022 23:42

Another chapter! Please let me know your thoughts. All feedback appreciated. :) ~Plum
Go back to Negotiations 50 or start from the beginning. Read it on AO3.


Dr. Kinney’s role became more critical that night as you silently pondered whether or not you should hold Dill overnight for observation. The last thing you needed was to release him too early and have your malpractice insurance skyrocket. You kept your quandary to yourself as you and Justin flanked him in the black sheets of the dungeon bed. Dill was on his stomach with his legs open per Justin’s orders, and the two of you were massaging his overworked inner thighs which elicited several grateful moans from your patient. Dill’s head was buried in his folded arms during the procedure. He was beginning to express words of desperation, “Fuck, you guys are trying to murder me by using ecstasy as a weapon.”

You teased him, “We’re in West Virginia. This is a stand your ground state.”

Justin laughed, “That’s funny, but true, and to be fair, you are on our property.”

“I was invited,” Dill protested in jest.

“You have no real proof of that,” you teased.

“I have text messages, Brian…Sir,” Dill lobbed back. You leaned over him and whispered to “Justin, I need you to go flush your phone.”

He objected, “I’m gonna stand my ground and not do that.”

“That’s a demerit,” you warned him.

Justin smiled widely, “Oh, good. I’ve missed them.”

Moving on, you broached a new challenge with Justin, “At some point, we need to determine if his anus is still asleep.”

“It’s not snoring,” Justin offered.

“Oh good god,” Dill mumbled into the sheets.

You offered an alternative diagnosis, “Perhaps it’s so deeply asleep that it’s dreaming. Given it’s eccentric nature, I feel that’s a credible option.”

Jusitn played along, “Well, he is anal-diverse, so anything’s possible.”

Dill protested, “I told you that in confidence. I feel betrayed.”

You set him straight, “That’s going to be a common side effect of your treatment…the betrayal part.”

“Yes,” Justin concurred, “It’s typically the best part as well.”

“See?” you chided your captive, “You just got a free and convenient second opinion.”

“This is clearly a top notch facility,” Dill observed.

You added, “Yes, absolutely. And once in a while, it’s top heavy as well.”

Dill’s entire body was vibrating with laughter as Justin informed him, “All of this was covered in the brochure, now, wasn’t it?”

“I think I lost mine.”

You poked back, “See how sick you are? You’re misplacing important documents. How tragic.” When it came time to really determine if Dill’s anus was still slumbering, Justin positioned himself between Dill’s legs, lowered his face and spoke to it, “Wake up.”

This elicited a jovial verbal response from the other end of the patient, so Justin tried again with his tongue. Success. Nap time was over.

“Did Batman or Robin ever do this for you? Rim you until your eyes roll back in your head?” you asked Dill as he stared at you, one hand resting on his head and the other clamped on his back to keep him in an optimal position.

“No, Sir.”

“And they call themselves ‘superheroes.’ How lame.”

Dill moaned desperately as Justin rimmed him. You knew exactly what he was experiencing but there was something even more wicked about watching it done to someone else who was helpless and trapped. And since it was your birthday, you nudged Justin with your foot so he’d look up and get his face out of the way so you could administer an inaugural slap on Dill’s decently cute and highly functional ass. Justin grinned at you, so you did it again. Dill looked at you the way a confused puppy does, “Sir?”

“Remember earlier when I told you there were two kinds of pain?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Which type is the one you just experienced?”

“Erotic, Sir?”

“You don’t seem too sure. Let’s try it again.” You slapped him three times a little harder, and the look on Dill’s face was one of hopeless surrender.

“I’m sure now, Sir.”

“Good boy.” You tightened your grasp of his prone form by locking one of his legs between yours and spanking him a little lower, a gesture that delivered some pain on his ass and slightly below it. Justin went right in afterwards to soothe the aggravated area with his mouth and Dill’s eyes again rolled back a bit. “See, in the right hands, erotic pain doesn’t even exist. It disappeared, didn’t it?”


“Would you like a little more?” you asked him. “Just to be sure?”

“Yes…please?” Dill requested, a beautifully conflicted expression on his face.

“Arch your back a little, as much as you can.” Dill complied and immediately tensed up when he saw your hand raise up out of the corner of his eye. You stopped and schooled him, “No, relax. The position you’re in right now works to your advantage, not mine, so don’t try to make my work harder.”

“Yes, Sir.”

“Then relax.” To his credit, he tried. He didn’t succeed. “Why are you tense? We just established that this pain disappears almost immediately. Is that not quick enough for you?”

“Sir, please,” he pleaded.You stayed focused on Dill’s face but that didn’t mean you couldn’t see Justin’s hand between his own legs. You pressed on with Dill, “Please what? What do you want?”

“Sir…,” he pleaded again.

“You’re overwhelmed? Is that it? Too much at once?”

Justin spoke up, “I’m pretty sure he came, Brian.”

Your eyes widened, staring first at Justin and then at Dill, “Did you?”

“Yes, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

How did you miss this? But then you thought about your earlier conversation with Dill that night about his guided nocturnal emissions, and the idea didn’t seem as far fetched. “Show me.”

Dill shook his head, “Please don’t make me.”

You were going to insist, but you decided to take a different turn with your patient, “Okay. You don’t have to show me, but in return I want some more information from you.”

Dill was relieved, “Okay.”

“So…did Batman ever spank you?” you asked as you began your next erotic interrogation.

Dill laughed, “Um, no.”

“Why is that funny?” you asked.

“I’m not really sure why, Sir.”

“But you think it’s a funny subject, clearly.”

“No, Sir. Not with you. Nothing is funny with you unless you mean for it to be.” Making Dill uncomfortable is utterly delightful.

“So when I did it, how did it feel, aside from the actual physical pain?” you asked him.

“Shocking when I wasn’t expecting it, and then embarrassing.”


Dill looked away in thought and then brought his eyes back to your face, “I mean, it’s a punishment, I guess.”

“So was the rice. Did it feel the same?”

“No,” Dill confirmed, “But like you said, the rice was not erotic pain.”

“So erotic pain embarrasses you?” you continued.


Dill, deliciously flustered, backpedaled “Can I just surrender and show you the mess I made? These questions are maddening, Sir.”

You grinned at him, “Sure. Show me.”

Reluctantly, Dill rolled on his side and showed you the wet sheet bunched up and stuck to his waist. You offered to fix it for him and pulled the sheet back up where it was supposed to be so the wet spot was closer to the head of the bed. Then you ordered him, “Get on all fours and put your face right in that mess you made.”

Dill, sufficiently mortified, gathered himself and got into position. Once his face was on the sticky sheet, you pressed it down to make your point, “You’re a guest in this bed. Don’t be rude and soil my sheets.” You tossed Justin a condom, ordering, “Fuck him senseless.” Justin smiled at you, pushed inside Dill and fucked him as you laid down, your face next to Dill’s head smashed face. “See? Had you not lost control of yourself yet again, you’d be sucking my cock instead of eating the mattress right now. Your lack of control cost me a blow job. I won’t forget that.”

“I understand,” Dill mumbled into the bed.

“But at least one end of you is being useful so that’s something.”

A couple of minutes later, Justin tapped Dill on his hip and took over, “I want you on your back.” You didn’t object, laying on your side with your head propped on your hand as Justin repositioned his plaything and changed the entire vibe in the room. They weren’t just fucking anymore.

Highly interested yet respectively silent, you took in this performance, intrigued that literally none of it was for you. You were relegated to the fascinating role of privileged voyeur with full access to the affectionate pillow talk. The Benevolent one came into his own right before your eyes. Justin was sweet and skillful and took the parts of Dill you’d toyed with that night and built him back up. And when the fuck ended, Justin made his intentions clear to Dill, “You’re going to clean up the mess in the corner, change the sheets on this bed, put these in the wash and a car will be ready for you in forty-five minutes assuming you’re okay doing this by yourself. I need some time with Brian tonight.”

Dill nodded, “Of course, anything you want. Thank you for tonight.”

Justin kissed him as you stroked his damp forehead. Dill closed his eyes and smiled as Justin gave him his marching orders, “We’ll be monitoring you on the feed upstairs, so if there’s a problem, text me. Otherwise, I’ll touch base with you on Monday.”

“Yes, Sir,” and then Dill addressed you, “Thanks for disciplining me, Sir.”

“Oddly satisfying, wasn’t it?” you queried.

“I hope I get to see you both again soon.”

You leaned in and kissed Dill and then Justin followed suit. “You can count on that. We’ll be in touch. Literally,” you reassured him. You got up, gathered yours and Justin’s clothes and headed upstairs, giving Dill and Justin an opportunity for a more substantial good-bye.

Negotiations 52

negotiations, b/j bdsm fic, bj bdsm fic, qaf fic

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