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Comments 9

stellar_kar November 13 2009, 05:10:48 UTC
I stopped watching Project Runway I think 6 episodes ago. It just isn't the same and I hate seeing the lifetime network made for tv movie ads.


thecomfychair November 13 2009, 05:47:07 UTC
I just find it boring now, probably because all of my favorites got voted off early on. I still love Tim and Heidi, but that's pretty much the only reason I'm watching


13chapters November 13 2009, 05:25:18 UTC
Chuck/Becky is EPIC. EPIC WIN. I think I may write fic. It wouldn't be porn, it would be domestic and schmoopy and snarky.


thecomfychair November 13 2009, 05:46:26 UTC
THEY ARE WIN. And I would read the hell out of any Becky/Chuck fic, porn, schoomp, whatever.


odannygirl7 November 13 2009, 06:11:45 UTC
Totes brilliant. About half way through I was wishing that some of the Sam and Dean LARPers would be actual couples... and then it happened. I aww'd. And Chuck/Becky is so adorable! :D

I, too, am not impressed with any of the collections. And am still terribly dissapointed in Heidi's weird dislike of Gordona.


thecomfychair November 13 2009, 08:15:16 UTC
It was totally an awesome episode. I loved the reveal of both the LARPer couple and Chuck and Becky. ♥

Yeah, the collections are just not exciting me. And I liked Gordona and wish she had made the finals over Althea, so whatever Heidi.


odannygirl7 November 13 2009, 08:30:45 UTC
I was saying the same thing... I wished I could have seen a Gordona collection instead of dull Althea. *sigh*


twizmo November 17 2009, 02:22:19 UTC
I'm feeling blonde - what's the Demian & Barnes inside joke?


thecomfychair November 17 2009, 03:02:15 UTC
Demain is the recapper and Barnes is the forum moderator (or former mod, I don't know if she's still active) of Supernatural over at everyone's favorite snark site, Television Without Pity


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