Under Siege

Jul 23, 2006 00:40

So it's been more than 6 months since I've gotten my lazy self in gear and posted icons. But I'm in a hotel, and bored, and my parents are still watching Steven Segal movies. So uh, yes.

16 Psych icons under the cut, all from 1x01. Comment and Credit if the spirit moves you.

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Comments 2

frostfire_17 July 23 2006, 16:46:34 UTC

I'm totally taking #1. Because, yeah. Nothing beats Sean's OMG I AM HAVING A VISION AAAAAAA.


thecomfychair July 24 2006, 04:35:00 UTC
I love Shawn's fake psychic O face so much.

Also, you watch Pysch?! Is there any fandom we don't have in common?


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