[CT: 57.5] First Kiss

Mar 17, 2009 23:50

OOC: For learntofeel, who requested this insanity.

She has taught him (over the course of many years) that watching children in the park is a little on the creepy side. At her request, Castiel has moved on to watching sunsets with her, in spite of the fact that he still doesn't fully grasp the thinking of people who would find fault with it, and she believes he never will. He isn't meant to understand the world that he exists to protect. The concerns of people who have no greater issue than a man sitting alone on a park bench will always escape him. They have to; he's not one of them.

It should be different for Claire, because in spite of all of her gifts, she's human. Her experience allows her to offer him insight into how people think and feel. She knows what he's missing, but to her, that's worse than never knowing at all. In her opinion, he's pretty lucky. He has never felt that he belonged with someone and had that taken away. She knows she's human, but she's not one of them anymore, she's just not like him, either.

She's alone.

"Does the pain that it caused you to lose them make you regret giving in to your emotions, Claire?" His eyes aren't on her as he asks this, but on the red and purple sky as the sun lowers into the ocean. Castiel's questions are always like this, empty and important. She knows how much he's changed since they first met, and she thinks that means he pays attention. Her opinion seems to mean something to him.

"Yeah," she nods her head slightly, digging her fingers into the sand. "And, no. Falling in love with Sam is pretty much the only decision that I've never had any regrets about." Everyone and everything else goes unmentioned for a reason. He was her first love, he's the only one worth talking about. "But after that..."

"You're not as old as you make yourself sound," he tells her. She thinks he might be amused, even though he looks as serious as usual. "You will be here, for a very long time. It might be easier for you if you attempted--"

"What, faking normal?" Claire cuts him off before he can finish. "Been there, done that. And no one can make me go back. Not even you." Not even God comes to mind, but He hasn't taken an interest in her in quite some time. "You know, you're the only guy I've ever met who I don't have to kiss when I want you to stick around." There are other suggestions she would have made there, but she knows all of Castiel's words for those suggestions, and she doesn't want to hear them today.

"No," he agrees. "I enjoy your company exactly as we are." He considers her comment for a moment, before making a confession of his own. "I have never kissed anyone, for any purpose." His gaze moves to catch her reaction, which isn't one of surprise, like he may have been expecting. It takes a lot to throw her now.

She smirks, taking a deep breath of the salty ocean air. The light is almost completely gone, and he'll be leaving soon. Unlike everyone else she has ever known, it's safe to count on him to return. Not right away, but eventually. He doesn't let her down. "You poor thing," she teases. It takes her a moment to realize that she does mean it. And of all of the things that he'll never experience, this is a harmless one to change.

She leans over, closing the distance between them, and lightly brushes her lips against his. He moves back, by instinct, then is taken over by his curiosity. After the slightest hesitation he gives in, tilting to her instead of away, closing his eyes and letting her take the lead.

When she pulls back, she smiles at him and slides her hand over his. His expression doesn't give away enough for her to know whether or not he's satisfied with her behavior. She's not going to ask, because whether Castiel appreciated the kiss or not, it felt nice to her. She'd like to hold on to that for a while.

"It's time," he says, getting to his feet. She stands up and brushes the sand off of the back of his black coat to try to help, smiling a little before she pulls him into a tight hug. It's always for her and never for him.

That's how they get along.

Patient: Claire Bennet
Fandom: Heroes
Word Count: 755 words

community: couples therapy, featuring: castiel, verse: zeppelin sucks

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