Gimme an O!

Jun 28, 2008 00:33

This is a rare post for me, a political-themed one. And a non-Canadian political-themed one to boot, definitely rare.

I may have mentioned before that my wife has been watching a lot of CNN, especially during the Democratic presidential candidate race, so I've seen a fair bit of McCain, Hillary Clinton, and Obama to know what I like and what I don't. From the first time I saw Obama on TV, though, I've always had a good feeling about him. Clinton and McCain seemed like very typical politicians, but Obama definitely seemed to stick out as a non-typical politican for me. He definitely apeared genuinely honest and helpful. I like the fact that he is religious, but doesn't make a big deal about it, is honest with it, doesn't use it as the be-all-end-all of his decision making (unlike George "God told me to invade Iraq" Bush). He reminds me a bit of (what I know of) Abraham Lincoln with the oratorical skills of John F. Kennedy thrown in (and, being a long-time Toastmaster, I always watch politicians' oratorical skills and always award bonus points for good oratorical skills, partly because it's needed for the job.) I think the thing I like the best about him is that the smart money (meaning the smart peoples' choice) seem to be on him - I love reading all the myths about Obama that pop up that anybody with an ounce of smarts can debunk easily.

I do hope that he wins the election (if for no other reason so that I either get a chance to be proved right that he'll make a good president, or be proved wrong. But, if he doesn't win, I can't prove either.) Since I'm forbidden to vote in the election, and I know a few Americans read my blog (assuming that people do actually read my blog), I do urge you to vote for him, you won't be disappointed. (Yes, I know that some of my friends are actively involved in other (third) parties and are actively trying to get their person elected, but I still don't think that America is quite ready yet for a serious third party candidate. However, I do plan on *closely* watching what the third party vote will be in this election, and using that to see if a third party might be a viable alternative in 2012, but I don't see it now.)

This has been a paid political announcement to put a brain in the White House


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