"Snuggles for Bluebird" - Primeval - K

Jan 18, 2010 22:35

Fandom: ---Primeval---
Characters: Abby Maitland, Sarah Page, Danny Quinn, Connor Temple, James Lester, and Bluebird the Pyroraptor 
Story: "Snuggles for Bluebird"
Rating: K
Warnings/Spoilers: none
Theme music: "Can I Call You Joe?" by John Debney from "The Princess Diaries"
Author's Note: This story is based around the little sketch I made of Bluebird when she was a hatchling.  I drew the picture whilst waiting for our smallgroup at church, which never happened.
Summary: Sarah and Abby are playing with a Pyroraptor hatchling when their fun is spoilt twice by two members of the ARC.  Alone and feeling scared by the incidents, Bluebird seeks out her mum.

“Bernard-Paul Heroux once said that, ‘There is no trouble so great or grave that cannot be much diminished by a nice cup of tea.’ In my humblest opinion from incidents witnessed, the same can be said about baby Pyroraptors. With each new day bringing about its own problems and trials, nothing erases the anger so quickly as a gentle nudge from my Bluebird.” - Danny Quinn
“Miss Page have you got that report I asked you earlier to fill out on the--” Lester’s words trailed off as he saw the woman tickling the fuzzy stomach of a hatchling Pyroraptor. Lester’s brow tightened and he frowned as though he had just tasted something disgusting. “Unless that report covers the playful habits of a Velociraptor I hardly think you’ll get anything useful from her.”

Keeping her eyes on the little fluffy ball of feathers, Sarah replied with a smile, “It’s on my desk Lester; all done, just as you wanted.”

Glancing to her desk, Lester spied the file and cleared his throat. “Well, very good then. But just remember, we have more important tasks than dealing with Quinn’s little… pet.”

Feeling his gaze upon her, Bluebird jerked her head around and gave Lester the most innocent smile she could muster. But his furrowed brows and thin-lipped frown caused the little raptor to give a squeak of surprise and she scrambled to her feet and tried to hide in the safety of Sarah’s palms. Abby, who had been sitting with Sarah and scratching Bluebird’s feathers whenever possible, glared at Lester.

“Oh Lester, did you really have to scare her?”

Lester quirked a brow. “I didn’t do anything to that creature.”

“You scared her!” Sarah exclaimed as she tried to soothe the shaking Bluebird by stroking her downy feathers.

“All I did was--” A thought crossed his mind, bringing Lester’s words to a halt. “Why am I arguing over frightening a creature? I did nothing of the sort and I am not going to stand here and defend myself against that when clearly I will not win.” Sniffing, Lester tried to hold onto what little dignity he had left. “I have a conference call that I must attend.”

As Lester strode off towards the upstairs, he could distinctly hear both Abby and Sarah trying to calm Bluebird with a series of, “Don’t let the mean man scare you.,” and “He’s more bark than bite; a proper teddy bear I bet.”

Lester rolled his eyes and disappeared into his office.

From down the corridor came a loud clatter that was followed by a shriek. Abby and Sarah looked to the hallway while Bluebird raced across the table and squeaked urgently at Danny. But Danny was asleep with his arms on the table and his head resting against one of them. Bluebird nipped at Danny’s ginger fringe, continuing her frightened cries.

Meanwhile Abby and Sarah were starting to move cautiously towards the hallway. Abby called out, “Connor? You didn’t let the Scutellosaurus out again, did you?”

There was a pause, then a voice full of disguised guilt inquired, “What makes you say--ow!”

Abby grinned at Sarah, who simply shook her head. They didn’t need to express it, they just knew it: men.

“Abby… Sarah… I think I’m going to need some help!”

Letting her gaze fall back on Bluebird on the table, Sarah gave a soft laugh as she saw the raptor trying desperately to awaken her sleeping mum. “Well Connor, I think by the time this is over, you are going to have a lot more to worry about than an angry Scutellosaurus.”

“We’ll deal with it when we get there! Now just-- get-- ow!” More items clattered noisily in the room and the sound of tiny claws clicking against the tile floor were heard. “Just get in here, yeah? Man down! Man down!”

Giving one last look at the frightened Bluebird, both Abby and Sarah were relieved to see Danny slowly awakening. Satisfied that Bluebird was being looked after, both women entered the fray to help Connor wrangle his early Jurassic ankylosaur friend.

Back on the table, Danny awoke with a start. He had heard the desperate calls of his raptor and was worried that something had happened to her. But after gentle strokes to her back and quiet whispers seemed to immediately calm her, Danny deduced that no harm had come to his beloved. Bringing her to eye level, Danny whispered, “Don’t you worry love, I’ll protect you.”

Bluebird placed her small clawed hand on his thumb and squeaked at him. Then she licked his nose and trilled softly. Danny nuzzled her soft feathers before bringing her against his chest. With his little raptor safe in his hands, Danny knew he couldn’t be bothered. The situation with the Scutellosaurus would be resolved and the day would continue. For now, he was going to enjoy the peace his little Bluebird had brought back to him after bestowing it upon Abby and Sarah. There was so much to be said about the tranquillity one’s animal brought to its human companion. ♥



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