Suited Up

Jan 16, 2011 23:04

Title: Suited Up
Characters:  Ianto, Jack
Rating: PG
Warnings: not really. Ianto wears suits?
Summary:  Ianto does things.

Disclaimers: Ianto is MINE!  I mean...  Jack's. yep.

A/N:  Written for the tw100 's prompt: Contrast. I'm not so good at the drabbles, so I thought I'd join this community to try to get a wee bit better at it. :) *shrug* this one just kinda happened. I don't like it, but I don't dislike it either.

Suited Up

Ianto at work was calm. Collected. Neat, to a very near OCD level. He wore his impeccable suits, as well as the mask that hid his emotions from everyone…

That was not the real Ianto Jones.

Ianto at home was relaxed. Casual. Not messy, but organized cluttered, still to a very near OCD level. He wore his jeans and his hoodie and his somewhat tight t-shirts. There was no mask, for there was no need. There was no one else here.

This was the real Ianto Jones.

And this was the man that Jack Harkness finally fell in love with.

drabbles, ianto jones, jack harkness

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