Jack and His Ianto.

Dec 14, 2010 00:25

 So the story behind this is:  I was at work tonight....  I was working on a super sekrit project..and finished the thing that I was working on. So here I am, bored outta my mind on this crappy day at work...  So I turn to sariagray .  I'm all like, what should I draw? I need an idea....  so she texts me back with ""Jack and Ianto in period Elizabethan clothing. Pretty pweeeze. Being all loving and kissy and cute/hot"

So this is the result. :) Enjoy. 

Oh... and due to apparent rather popular demand (i'm seriously in shock about this)  Timelord!ianto will apparently continue. Thank you guys all so much... heh, I am floored by the response that got. 

ianto jones, fluff, art, jack harkness

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