another batch of Old Speckled Hen

Sep 12, 2011 14:59

I'm getting low on beer at home and have been thinking about brewing another batch for a while now, but things (mostly travel) have been getting in the way. After getting back from Burning Man last week, I swung by the local homebrew shop and picked up what I needed to make an Old Speckled Hen clone. I've made this a couple times before with me_not_you and I know I like the resulting beer.
I smacked the yeast smack pack Wednesday night because I was planning to brew on Thursday.  Then I ran out of time on Thursday and planned to brew on Friday. Repeat cycle 3 more times, and here I am on Monday posting about the batch I just brewed. I hope there's no problem with the yeast that was sitting for 4-5 days.  We'll see.
Here's the recipe:

Old Speckled Hen clone

5 gallons extract with steeped grains

15.5 oz Mutons Crystal 2 row (49-64L)
6.6 lbs Briess Golden Light SME
4 oz Briess Bavarian wheat DME (3L)
8 oz dark brown sugar

60min (bittering) 1oz Willamette (4.8% AA)
15 min (flavor) 1 oz Willamette (4.8% AA)
1 min (aroma) 1oz Willamette (4.8% AA)

Wyeast 1028 London Ale yeast (Activator smack pack)

add 1 tsp Irish moss with 10 min left to go
put wort chiller in to sanitize with 5 min left to go

Here are the details and timing of the brew day:

~8pm yeast smack pack smacked

crushed grains using my mill
started with about 4 gallons in the pot
11:09 flame on
11:22 at 150F
11:44 sparged grains with 1 gal 155F water
11:45 flame back on
12:07 at boil
12:15 extracts in, flame back on
12:24 back at boil, bittering hops in
1:09 flavor hops in
1:14 Irish moss in
1:19 chiller in to sanitize
1:23 aroma hops in
1:24 flame off
1:37 wort temp down to ~85F
2:10 wort transferred to carboy, shaken to aerate, yeast in, airlock in
2:30 cleanup complete

O.G. was 1.053.  Slightly lower than initially estimated because I topped up the carboy to a bit more than my usual 5 - 5.25 gallons so as to have a slightly lower gravity beer.

Finally, here's a picture of the wort just after it initially came to a boil:

beer, batch29, brewing

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