I went to bed around... hrm. 1am last night? And finally got out of bed at around 1:30pm this afternoon. I wasn't aware of needing that much sleep, but apparently I did. Go figure
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astolat is pondering the idea of a centrally located fanfic archive by fans for fans. Like fanfiction.net only - what's the word? - not inclined to make you stab yourself in the eye with a fork.
Since Thomas Kinkade, painter of light has come into focus amongst those on my flist, I thought I'd dig up my ol' California Field Trip for those interested in a little TKPOL backstory.
Just scroll down past the bits about planes and rental cars. 8)
My boss is back from vacation today. Wheee. Hopefully he comes back relaxed and not a PITA about everything like he was before he left. It's a 50/50 shot with him since he's one of those guys who can find the cloud to every silver lining. So if a trip held one bad spot then the whole thing was a waste of money and time, and he comes back
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You know, it seems almost criminal that there can be an article called 'You've seen Star Wars, now what?' that doesn't reference Serenity. I suppose there's something to be said for not shoehorning it into the SW void, but by the same token this is the news, which tends not to care overmuch about nuance. If Serenity was in any way on their radar it
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Falcon cam! With baby falcons! (Gakked from... um... someone on my flist.) Wookit the widdle falcons! Doing their little falcon thing! Bird voyerism! Whee
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Numb3rs fans should check out < 3. It's a nice little piece where the special Hell aspects of it are handled with a darn near perfect touch. Go read. I'll be here babbling in the meanwhile.
In knitting news: WANT. Oh how I want. My mouth has completely filled with drool. Eek
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