24. kateliciously (2)
31. ladyofwolves (1)
4. tinitrinity (0)
30. lessrest (0)
You do not need to be a member of this community to vote. No anonymous votes will be counted.
You cannot vote for yourself or have others vote for yours.
If votes require reasons they should address technical problems (too sharp, too blurry, silly font doesn't compliment serious image), not things of personal preference (I hate green, that's boring, that icon sucks) - you should be able to explain your reasons, so that they're helpful to the iconmaker. A reason for favorite votes is optional, but strongly encouraged.
HOW TO GIVE GOOD CONCRIT: A guide.You do not need to be participating in the current round and/or weekly challenge to vote.
You are voting for your ONE least favorite and ONE favorite icon.
Voting ends Sunday October 23rd, 2011 @ 10:59 PM CDT
Least Favorite Icon:>00< - reason
Favorite Icon:>00< - reason optional