Fanfic: The 4400, Waiting For The Sky To Fall.

Aug 16, 2005 00:24

Waiting For The Sky To Fall
Fandom: The 4400
Pairing: None
Rating: PG. Or so.
Spoilers: Season 2, Episode 05.
Warnings: Implied Character Death.
Disclaimer: I don't own The 4400 or Somewhere Out There by Our Lady Peace.

Author's Note: Written for 15minuteficlets (Word #119)

Because most of all, before anything else, before even waiting for the sky to fall, he's waiting for Jordan to come back. )

character: (the 4400) jordan, character: (the 4400) shawn, #fic, .fic: the 4400

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Comments 4

danawebb August 16 2005, 12:55:28 UTC
Aw, shiny! And very well done to boot. I love the Jordan/Shawn relationship and you portrayed it very well here. Thank you for writing this!


kaiyote August 16 2005, 20:27:23 UTC
:D Thanks! And you're welcome. =)


sex_and_tea October 9 2005, 09:55:34 UTC
Lovely piece! Strange that there isn't more Jordan/Shawn fanfic around or more 4400 fic in general for that matter. Hope you don't mind that i friended you.


kaiyote October 9 2005, 21:33:24 UTC
:D Thanks.

Yeah, I know. D; I wish there were more 4400 fics around. *sigh*

:D Friended you back. ;D


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