Fanvid: Supernatural, Runs In The Family.

Nov 15, 2010 13:10

Runs In The Family
Vidder: kaiyote
Fandom: Supernatural
Song: Runs In The Family by Amanda Palmer
Characters/Pairings: Angels (Anna, Balthazar, Castiel, Gabriel, Lucifer, Michael, Raphael, Uriel, Zachariah)
Rating: PG-13. Or so.
Spoilers: Up to 6x03.
Warnings: Violence, character death.
Summary: We're wonderful folks. A character study of the angels.

Download / Streaming Links + Lyrics )

character: (spn) anna, character: (spn) castiel, character: (spn) lucifer, .vid: supernatural, character: (spn) gabriel/trickster, character: (spn) zachariah, character: (spn) [general], character: (spn) michael, character: (spn) balthazar, character: (spn) uriel, #vid, character: (spn) raphael

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Comments 104

liliaeth November 15 2010, 21:33:40 UTC
wow, awesome song, even more awesome vid :-)


kaiyote November 15 2010, 22:15:58 UTC
Thank you! :D


lita64 November 15 2010, 21:33:45 UTC
That was beautiful! I would never have thought to use this song for any sort of vidding, but it works perfectly! :D


kaiyote November 15 2010, 22:17:25 UTC
Thank you!

I actually was wary of using it at first 'cause it just seemed so incredibly fast-paced and everything, and I wasn't sure if I could actually vid it. ...but then I gave in. As I do with most things, lol.


netweight November 15 2010, 21:40:21 UTC
This was really good. Not only technically but also in how it portrays these common threads of yearning and violence in these characters. You make a great case for how similar they all are. Excellent work, thank you for sharing.


sapphirestar_ November 15 2010, 22:05:53 UTC
oh man, i miss the angels. why'd they have to go and get rid of the ones i loved the most? (not including cas, obvs.) WHERE BE MY GABRIEL, DAMN IT. D:

but such an awesome vid. this song's always been a mary winchester song to me, but it really fits with the angels. so damn awesomesauce! :D


kaiyote November 15 2010, 22:12:29 UTC
SO DO I! I wish they didn't have to kill all of them off (or almost all of them, anyway). :\ And yes, Gabriel! Come back, please! D;

Thank you! Yeah, it does remind me of her (and the Winchesters), and when I first started this vid it was actually for them, but then I vidded like. 3 seconds and I was just... THIS SHOULD BE AN ANGEL VID INSTEAD! And thus this vid was born! Insert amount of months later.

Thank you again! :*


turquoisetumult November 15 2010, 22:14:36 UTC
I initially heard this song used for a Mary vid (that was done incredibly), and now I saw this and it TOTALLY fits for an angels family vid. Like ... eerily so! I absolutely ADORED your lyrical interpretation ("me? well, i'm well. well, i mean i'm in hell. well, i still have my health (at least that's what they tell me)" --- OH, CAS! *heart breaks* & "all day i've been wondering what is inside of me, who can i blame for it" --- perfect line for Anna.)

Also, fantastic editing! Quick and efficient and completely in beat!

Lastly, this vid actually made me like the angels storyarc! I never noticed it was this awesome. (Show needs to learn to express itself through songvids, for real!)



frankenshane November 17 2010, 09:38:54 UTC
There's a Mary vid to this song too? Holy crap, please tell me you have a link to it. Because, ajdhsajghasdg i can't even so awesome


turquoisetumult November 17 2010, 22:55:12 UTC

The Youtube link is down, but I think you can still download. What an awesome song! :)


frankenshane November 18 2010, 01:18:23 UTC
I'll have to ask the vidder if s/he can reupload it, but it's such an awesome song for an awesome character.


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