Fanfic: Heroes, And Your Heart Will Fly Away.

Dec 14, 2008 12:58

And Your Heart Will Fly Away
Fandom: Heroes
Pairing: Peter/Sylar
Rating: PG-13. Or so.
Spoilers: Up to 312.
Warnings: Character Death. Incest.
Disclaimer: I don't own Heroes.

''Do you trust me?'' Sylar asks more questions. An alternate ending to 312. )

.fic: heroes, pairing: (heroes) peter/sylar, #fic, character: (heroes) peter, character: (heroes) sylar

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Comments 17

speccygeekgrrl December 15 2008, 01:23:47 UTC
Oh, snap. I wonder if he bothered to ask Nathan if he was family before taking his FLYING MAN powers...

This was really satisfying to read! The only thing that could have made it better was a revelation on who their real father is. Lindermaaaaaan

Instant twin rapport: awesome. Sylar's reaction to Peter saying he trusted him: PAINFULLY AWESOME. Awwwww.


kaiyote December 15 2008, 07:28:52 UTC
I KNOW! D: I felt bad for doing that, but the last scene was pretty much set in my head and I gave in to it :P


Hee, thank you :*


aireyail February 21 2009, 03:26:28 UTC
First, I'd just like to say that this was an awesome short story. I'd love it if you made a sequel with Sylar, Peter, and our newest little Hero, Luke. Like Peter could've gone with them on that roadtrip. Pretty please?


chosenfire28 December 15 2008, 01:57:52 UTC
I LOVE THIS. I swear this is canon, complete, wonderufl, and beautiful canon. You have something Heroes writers don't, skill. Amaing job with htis, it was so beautiful and your slightly broken Peter was great. You got both characters voices down and I love how you incorporated Sylar's new powers. The twin idea is definitely one of my favorite and I would love you forever if you could write more with this idea. Like how does Peter get his powers back and when does little Noah come into the family? Once again amazing job, this is one of the few fics I am going to take time to add to my memories.


kaiyote December 15 2008, 07:31:17 UTC
Haha, thank you! :D

I totally want to write more of this! But I am not entirely sure what I want to write just yet :/ I will try to think of ideas, though! :D

Thank you again :)


ellelee December 15 2008, 02:43:12 UTC
*Squeal* I love this. I really do love this. I have imagined this, very similarly, all week XD Thank you for giving me something wonderful to read.


kaiyote December 15 2008, 07:32:04 UTC
:* Heee, thank you! I have been thinking about this all week too and I finally had the chance to write it XD


dmlpacker December 15 2008, 02:48:30 UTC
If only this is how it happened...


kaiyote December 15 2008, 07:32:16 UTC
I know... :P


xenasoul December 15 2008, 03:50:51 UTC
Wow. That was intense. That's how I wanted o watch this episode.
Hopefully they're really twins or at least half brothers.
Well done!


kaiyote December 15 2008, 07:32:39 UTC
Thank you! :D

I really hope they are too :(


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