omgleveragebb is the place to go for any and all support whilst you're writing your BigBang, I thought that it would be a good idea to have a centralised place to offer your beta skills/request a beta.
There'll be two comment threads to this post, so please check carefully before commenting to one. If you wish to offer your beta-ing skills, then the "Offering my skills as a beta" comment thread is the one for you. If you're looking for someone to beta your fic, then the "Help! I need a beta" comment thread is where you need to go.
I hope this is helpful to you all. I'll be linking to it in the sidebar and over at
omgleveragebb momentarily.
PLEASE NOTE: if you signed up to be a beta/request a beta this year on last years post, please copy & paste it into the apporpriate comment to this post.