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Comments 40

ohvienna March 12 2008, 15:52:38 UTC
EEEEEEEEEE. A2A icons of extreme gorgeousness. *snags a bunch* And you win at life. :)


watchpoint March 13 2008, 07:01:52 UTC
:D I'm glad you like them! ♥♥♥


hollywoodgrrl March 12 2008, 15:57:23 UTC
YOU POSTED THEM!!! *orgasm* So pretty. So so pretty. I WANT THEM ALL!!! But I shall restrain myself. Snagging 3,8,and 13 for sure. But 1 and 11 are GORGEOUS as well. Gah this show. *headdesk*


watchpoint March 13 2008, 06:19:13 UTC
LOL Well you did say "gimme!" So I posted instead of waiting for no reason. :P I'm glad you like them! ♥♥♥


coolceruleanblu March 12 2008, 17:17:21 UTC
oh my gosh it was you who made that awesome icon for chuck lims! I loved it!


watchpoint March 13 2008, 04:36:14 UTC
LOL Thanks! Which icon are you talking about? :)


coolceruleanblu March 13 2008, 05:12:34 UTC
oh gosh sorry the sacred heart with the yellow band at the bottom :D i love it- looks like a painting :D


reve_lucide March 12 2008, 17:29:18 UTC
Pretty, pretty (like always), but I'm really digging 3, 7, 13, and 33 in particular. GUH.


watchpoint March 13 2008, 04:35:19 UTC
♥ Thank you!


no_redlights March 12 2008, 17:38:19 UTC
oh my gosh!! I was looking for "ashes to ashes' icons yesterday and these are just beautiful!! snagged those and the "farscape" ones, and will credit when used, thanks!


watchpoint March 13 2008, 01:27:59 UTC
Thanks for commenting! :) There really aren't many Ashes to Ashes icons around, are there?


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