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Comments 62

minttown1 April 25 2007, 05:34:20 UTC
I always love your icons. I snagged a couple Atlantis, and I'll be sure to credit. Thank you!


watchpoint April 28 2007, 00:35:47 UTC
You're welcome. Thanks for commenting!


(The comment has been removed)

watchpoint April 28 2007, 00:39:01 UTC
Thanks! <3


zombieparamour April 25 2007, 15:06:08 UTC
Taking #3. Thank you much, nice icons :)


watchpoint April 28 2007, 00:39:23 UTC
You're welcome. Enjoy! :)


spiffychocolate April 25 2007, 20:10:27 UTC
COUPLING!!!!!!!! :D:D:D


watchpoint April 28 2007, 00:39:47 UTC


spiffychocolate April 28 2007, 02:56:41 UTC
it's only one of the funniest shows EVER :D. MAKE MORE ICONS! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE :D


watchpoint April 28 2007, 05:24:23 UTC
I would make more Coupling icons but I always forget to go look for caps. If you were feeling motivated you could find some and then make me icon them. :) Or not. Whatever. :D


xeyra April 26 2007, 00:35:37 UTC
Once again, a wonderful, wonderful batch of gorgeously colored and cropped icons. And when you use textures, you use them amazingly well. 59-61 are really lovely, your Inara icons (23-29) are all beautiful and I adore 31, 34 and 35. Then there's 36-38, which have such a lovely textured feel to it, which looks great in grayscale. And I'm absolutely in love with 41. Voted for it too!

46 is a gorgeous Claire icon and I must snag it now! Love the colors, the crop and the texture... it all combines wonderfully. Love 51 too. The repeated image works very well there. And the crop on 52 is to die for! Coloring on your Stargate (SG-1 or Atlantis) icons is lovely (I'm especially fond of the Vala ones) and I adore 74. Stubble!Dean is always nice. :p


watchpoint April 28 2007, 05:29:45 UTC
Thank you so much. Your comments all get an A+! I'm glad you liked 36-38 because I really enjoyed making them. And I'm glad you like the coloring on the Vala icons because I'm trying to color things in a different way than I've done for the awhile so I'm glad it works for you in those. <3


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