Now here's a question.

Jan 12, 2007 13:13

As I am aware most folks on her list like this pup, I'm curious!

Why do you like Isis? This came up in a discussion the other day, and I'm simply curious as to the reasoning WHY you like her.

Posted under the memes/quizzes tag for lack of a better tag.

Edited to Add: This isn't limited to y'all who have her friended, this is for anyone who likes ( Read more... )

things, memes/quizzes, ooc posts

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Comments 9

derek_bliss January 12 2007, 23:40:55 UTC
1) The concept of balance.
2) A genuinely sweet personality.
3) A well played female by a male player (so many damned sterotypes get used sometimes)
4) Good foil for Eiko
5) The very few tidbits of Skylara I've caught so far sound fascinating.
6) Well rounded OC. When she responds, she has a full range of emotions, background, reasonings and actions and doesn't just fall back on one or two.
7) Character is rich enough in inner detail that I honestly thought she was part of an established canon, which means a lot of good work went into her. And yes, you can tell when characters have thought put into them when they're played.
8) Not part of the 'I'm female and badass' stable, of which there are many, and most of them are played badly and make those of us who really are badass look like psycho-bitches (last part of that is tongue in cheek).


thebalanckeepr January 13 2007, 01:50:22 UTC
1) The Balance-concept is much harder to play than it looks XD
2) Yay! Coming off sweet is fun to write, espically knowing I'm getting it right.
3) I've had folks actually believe I'm personally female.
4) This was honestly surprising how well the two of them play off of each other so well.
5) Skydera, but I'm making this up as I go so far. Most of them have been sent to here in the Kintotech journal.
6) The well-roundedness was very hard to achieve, glad to know I'm getting that right as well.
7) And my obsessiveness for detail goes 'squee' with glee. Though technically, she IS part of an established canon, just my own personal one XD
8) Isis is one who's not actively seeking a fight. She can have badass moments (The Ganado rush, her staff-training, and the related), but she doesn't go touting about and TRYING to be badass. That isn't where I believe "true" badassness comes from anyway, it just happens, you don't try for it, you don't force it, it just happens to be badass.


thebalanckeepr January 13 2007, 01:50:58 UTC
GAH. The strike is supposed to end at the XD


hit_people_guy January 13 2007, 01:39:13 UTC
Basically the same answer that I gave Eiko. She's available but she doesn't interfere without being asked, she's pleasant to be around.


thebalanckeepr January 13 2007, 01:53:25 UTC
Yeah, she doesn't try to force herself into peoples' business XD


clever__fool January 13 2007, 17:49:18 UTC
It's the hot lesbian sex. I MEAN--



thebalanckeepr January 13 2007, 17:53:50 UTC

YAY HAWT... ..Yanno, I'm gonna shut up here before the pup decides to join in the revolution plots in my head.


clever__fool January 13 2007, 18:11:54 UTC
Revolution plots? Oooh. *subscribes to your newsletter*


thebalanckeepr January 13 2007, 18:33:23 UTC
More like Nyoka and a few others plotting to stage a revolution against their mun :|


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