Title: "Surprise Him"
Author: Benny Sparks
Rating: R
Warnings: Sex talk.
Fandom: The Authority
Characters: Swift, Apollo, the Midnighter.
Spoilers: Not really. Set roughly in between Sliding Albion and Outer Dark.
Disclaimer: Not mine. The Authority was created by Warren Ellis and Bryan Hitch for Wildstorm Comics.
Foiled by the computer mind? )
Comments 8
Though I have a feeling we are going to see more from your ficworld ;)
I love the conversations they have. It's really well done, it's jsut making me grin.
I don't think I've seen Shen in any fics at all, actually. Lots of Engineer ones, the occasional Doctor fic, and mostly A & M. A couple really good Jackfics. Do people just not like Shen? She always interested me because she doesn't seem to be a very powerful member on first glance...but they hint at her capabilities.
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