Fic: Smoldering Ruins - 12/15

May 13, 2011 12:21

Title: Smoldering Ruins - 12/15
Genre: Drama / Angst / Fluff
Rating: R
Word Count: 15508
Pairing: Puck/Kurt
Summary: The past is a powerful entity, even as the future becomes brighter, better and stronger. Part Three of The Rebuilding Series, Following The System and Disaster. Previous chapters found here.

“You shouldn’t kill me because I’m goddamned gorgeous,” Puck said, pulling on that bad boy arrogance that had saved his life time and time again in high school. Sure, it was out of practice but he knew that it had been lying there dormant all of these years. He was a father, a soon-to-be husband and living a life so far from that little punk but he still existed inside of him. He would always be that guy deep down.

“God you’re cute,” Trevor teased, pressing his body and the barrel of the gun back into Puck’s side. “You act like you have so much control over a situation, even though you’re scared shitless. I know exactly what terrifies you. You’re terrified that I’ll stick my dick into your asshole again and tear you apart like the little fag you are. You still cry at night about it, don’t you? Took away your fuckin’ innocence or whatever the shit you fags call it.”

Puck opened his eyes wide as the memories of that night still plagued him, sat in the back of his mind like some kind of disease or sickness. He was so afraid of this man and afraid that he’d rape him again but he hid it, fearless. “I’m not afraid of you,” he said.

“You’re lying,” the man drawled, purring the words out. “You’ve always been afraid of me. I’ve been the monster that haunts your dreams, haven’t I?” He has it perfectly, of course. He has been the monster haunting Puck’s dreams for years. He has been the blackness that has haunted Puck since he was a little boy. He had nightmares for the entire first year after he was raped. Part of why he and Kurt got so close, after all, was the way Puck would come over to avoid Sarah hearing his nightmares.

He closed his eyes and he was there again. He was sixteen and lying in bed, tossing and turning from a horrible nightmare. All he could see was Trevor; he could see Trevor’s scary animalistic eyes, his hands, his long, lean torso covered in tattoos. He screamed and thrashed but instead of his hands hitting the man who raped him, they hit the warm body of his little sister. She had only been twelve at the time.

“Noah,” she whispered, leaning into his shoulder. “You were having a nightmare again.”

He clung to her. “I know Sarah,” he whispered. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you. God, I love you sis, I love you so much.”

It went on like that again and again and again until he had to go down to Kurt’s safe, soundproofed, basement bedroom in order to spare her some of that pain. No, he didn’t have to lie to Trevor about his fear. His fear made him human and he was human. He had no reason to be ashamed of his fears.

“You’re right,” he said, as he flashed back to the present world. “I am afraid of you and I’ve been afraid of you since you raped me. I’m not ashamed of the fact that I have fears. Human beings, yeah, we got fear. We live through fear but we survive it and we’re better than that. I am afraid.”

He had to admit, it felt good to just say it. Admitting to his fear out loud to the man who had caused him so much fear and so much suffering was cathartic and it really took the fear away from him for a moment.

To his surprise, his declaration led to Trevor hitting him in the face with the butt of his gun. “You are such an idiot,” he ranted, shaking his head from side to side in disbelief. “How the hell did you think you were going to come out of this alive, or with what’s left of your precious dignity intact? You know what? I was gonna kill you, right here and right now, just put a bullet through your brain but I want a replay of how it felt to tear you open, kid.”

For a moment, Puck had another surge of fear. He tried to wipe his nose, which was probably bleeding from when he was struck. Trevor reached down with the hand not holding the gun and tried to undo his pants.

“I’m not as stupid as you think I am,” he said. “I knew this was a dumbass move and I had a backup plan.”

Puck chuckled as the sirens that filled the air seemed to come with movie-level timing. He was such a badass that of course, they had to come at the perfect time. He had timed it out perfectly and he was just lucky that his rapist and the person he feared most was also a deranged nut job who could make clichéd serial killers bored with his rambling and instability. He laughed almost hysterically as the cops pulled up in the alleyway. “Right here boys,” he teased softly. He knew he was a lunatic for setting this up but he needed it and it all happened right to plan.

The police cars swarmed around them and several uniformed officers came rushing to his side. He had figured this one out. Twenty minutes from the nearest police station to the apartment, give or take five to ten minutes for them to find out where the dumbass criminal was. It was perfect and completely to plan. He looked at Trevor and smiled a little bit. He honestly found this whole event hysterical, in spite of the fact that his life had just been in danger. “You want revenge you take it,” he said, backing up. “You don’t go all Doctor Evil on me.”

“Put your weapon down,” one of the officers told Trevor in a commanding voice. The man looked to his left and then to his right. He was completely surrounded. He had chosen a bad place for a confrontation. He lunged forward but stopped and then raised his weapon, aiming and bam; a loud gunshot resonated through the air. Puck winced a little, mostly at the sound, but then he realized he was in a lot of pain all of a sudden. Oh shit.

He fell backwards against the concrete and tried to keep his eyes from closing. He focused in and out and saw a lot of blue, cops, everywhere. He looked to his side and saw Trevor being mand handled into a corner. The last thing that he saw as his vision started to fade in and out was Trevor standing above him, taking the same gun he had just used to shoot him…oh god he shot him, and then a shot rang out. He saw the blood and brain particles on the wall, laughing to himself before it went dark.

Killing himself was better than going back to jail. Fuck, the guy was a walking cliché.

puck/kurt, smoldering ruins, beth, the rebuilding series

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