Start Something

Jan 30, 2009 04:43

Start Something.


Both Doc and Lord Byron took notice when the buxom brunette servant girl came by the table. At first, the good doctor simply stared at her beauty but eventually went back to trying to drink the ale in front of him. Byron couldn't pass up the opportunity to flirt, for it was being absolutely charming and a modern Casanova in which he was known for. Yes, there were his poems, but it was his lavish and unconventional lifestyle that people would remember most of all. The servant girl had heard all about Lord Byron's lifestyle and she wanted nothing of it. There was no doubt that she likely had a friend whom was previously wooed by Bryon and then abandoned just as quickly. He was notorious for such things, after all.

Byron scoffed in frustration when she left the table without much acknowledgment towards either of them. "Can you believe that? I, for one, am having a hard time believing that just happened."

"Don't tell me that the servant girl just deflated your sense of pride or, heaven forbid, your ego." Doc said as he looked at the other man with a quizzical brow.

Byron laughed, "Don't be ridiculous, old man. My ego is certainly not deflated because I'm just getting started."

"Oh? It didn't look like that from where I was sitting. It looked as if she shot you down and that you don't have a chance in the world to get with her."

"Is that what you think?" Bryon said with a grin. "Well, how about we start a wager on the matter?"

Doc raised an eyebrow, "I'm listening."

"Do you know what all women want, doc?" Byron asked.

"After all of these years, I still don't know what women want. You seem to know the secret more than I do so why don't you tell me?"

"All right, I'll tell you." Byron said as he took a rather large drink of his wine before he continued, "No, wait. I won't tell you anything. In fact, this is my secret and part of the wager. I will show you exactly what women want and prove to you that I can get any woman that I desire. I can even get that completely misguided servant girl if I wanted to."

"Is that all?" Doc said with doubt written all over his face because he knew the reputation that Byron had. Of course he could get any woman that he wanted. It wasn't really a challenge and he was sure to lose.

Byron shook his head, "That's not all, friend. Not only will I win her with this secret to what women want, but she will leave me and admit that she was completely wrong about me. In fact, she will go to whoever had told her about me in the first place and vehemently defend me. She'll even go so far as admitting that I'm too good for her and that I need someone more beautiful and more virtuous then she is. She'll leave feeling as if I deserve someone better than she is and yet...thankful at the same time. She'll have her pride. She won't be broken about it. She won't lose sleep over it."

Doc sat back in a sprawl in the chair as he thought about that for a moment. Byron was good, but he certainly wasn't that good...was he? No. It was impossible. The way that servant girl looked at him was undeniable loathing. "All right, Bryon. If I do this, then I'll even wait outside your bedchamber to see and hear it all with my own eyes and ears." He then grinned slowly, "I just need to know what's in it for me?"

"Well, since you will be waiting outside my bedchamber door anyway..." Bryon said with his quintessential devious smirk, "I'll prove to you that it doesn't just work on women."

A wide grin spread over the good doctor's face as he contemplated those options. Finally, he reached out to shake Bryon's hand, "You have yourself a deal." He stood up after the bet was placed, "I'll just be waiting patiently by your door."

Bryon stood up as well, "See you tonight, doc."


Muse: Doc/Methos
Fandom: Highlander Universe
Words: Many
Disclaimer: This answer is based on Canon after "The Modern Prometheus". It is not intended to reflect role-play, although the_corsair is free to be the participant in this adventure if he so chooses. Thank you.
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