Boost - Always Keep Fighting T-Shirt Campaign.

Nov 05, 2015 22:30

Hey my SPN Flisties -

There is a campaign going on to donate ‪#‎AKF‬ shirts to those who can't afford them. It is run by my friend Sil on Twitter and here is the information as well as comments from Tristan, one of the folks who received a shirt from the last campaign.

The way it works is if you either want to donate a shirt or you cannot afford one, contact Sil or Tristan at the contact information below and they will match you up with a donor or a recipient. I participated in the last one and met a really nice gal from North Carolina, and did it again this campaign. It helps spread the love of our ‪#‎SPNFamily‬!

Feel free to repost this on your journals, FaceBook groups/pages, Tumblr - anywhere we can get the word out. Not only are we helping out our fellow fans, but part of the proceeds go to support the causes that Jared and Jensen believe in.

‪#‎AlwaysKeepFighting‬ UPDATE

From Tristan:

I am so happy to see so many people excited about Jared's new campaign (I love the design - ‪#‎FangirlMoment‬).

As someone who *received* a shirt in the last campaign I am so delighted that this time, I will be able to *donate* a shirt instead! I am so excited to have the chance to pay it forward and give someone else an #AlwaysKeepFighting shirt this time around!

If you can donate a shirt (or two?) during this campaign, it would be hugely appreciated! The easiest way to donate a shirt would be to contact sil or myself on twitter (@SPN_sil & @tris820). However, if you don't have have a twitter account, you can also email us both at

Thank you so much,

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