Reverse relationship meme.

Nov 05, 2006 13:16

Hit me your character(s), and I'll tell you what Thea thinks of them. If he knows.

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Comments 33

manofsteal November 5 2006, 20:16:18 UTC
Hurr hurr. I almost essayed at you because I thought reverse relationship meme = I tell you, not you tell me.

This is what happens when you LJ at work, kids.


thearratik November 5 2006, 20:17:35 UTC

Thea would probably like Lupin if Lupin didn't keep pissing him off. As it stands, he finds him pretty annoying. Monkey boy.


manofsteal November 5 2006, 20:59:48 UTC
OK, first of all, the Wraeththu kind of make Lupin uncomfortable. He's come to think of them as kind of cliqueish and really isn't sure what's so great about them, really. The exception is Cal-- don't ask me why. He likes Cal. Combining all his experiences with Panthera, Lupin's kind of put him in the same box as the rest of them: Catty and snotty I'm-better-than-yous who really need a nice swift kick in the butt or maybe to be pushed in a mud puddle. The dance incident didn't do this. He really wasn't angry at or disgusted by Panthera for that-- he was angry at Speed. However, when Panthera snarked at him at their next meeting after that seemingly out of the blue and ignited the bitchfight, he gained a pretty low opinion of him. Even though they had a truce, he was still kind of put off by his attitude.

So, yeah. Lupin doesn't really hate him, but he doesn't consider him a friend by any means.


thearratik November 5 2006, 21:01:29 UTC
Where Thea thought Lupin could have handled the whole thing better, and at least had some sense of humor about it when he brought it up.

They're just not going to get along. Heh.


miss_34_c November 5 2006, 20:40:07 UTC
I never did see the finished picture.


thearratik November 5 2006, 20:44:03 UTC
Next time we see each other.

Bulma's amusing; her ambitions are quite entertaining, and she's cheerful and bright.


ashoka November 5 2006, 22:44:05 UTC


thearratik November 5 2006, 22:54:22 UTC


ashoka November 5 2006, 23:00:48 UTC


thearratik November 6 2006, 00:11:01 UTC
Cal makes his head hurt. In some ways, he's quite different than the Cal Thea knew, but in others, he's just the same, and many of the same ones are the things that used to drive Thea nuts. But Cal is still the most important person in the world to Thea, and Thea knows it. Cal still tops him hard. But...was it a mistake falling in love with him in the first place? Is it all right to care for this Cal? And does it even matter, since Cal so clearly belongs to Pellaz? THEA DOESN'T KNOW and it drives him nuts. So mostly he tries to avoid Cal, but of course-- he can't stay away.


hidaka_ken November 5 2006, 22:59:58 UTC
Thea's played with all of mine now.


thearratik November 6 2006, 00:13:16 UTC
That's probably the right word for it, too.

Easy ones first:

He hates Pellaz. Thinks he's whiny and dependent and incapable of taking responsiblity for himself.

Renfield he finds kind of dorky and charming. He doesn't like him as much as he's making Renfield think, because, well, because Turnbull's useful and Thea's not really all that nice.

Ken is adorable, and gets bonus points for being Cescu's boyfriend. Thea really threw him off last time, though, so he's treading a bit lightly.

And he's not sure what to make of Terry. He thought he was really just a mouthy twerp, but his feelings for Sophie have made him reconsider.


necessaryevil November 6 2006, 00:24:57 UTC
Hit me! For Itachi and Soi Fong. :D


thearratik November 6 2006, 01:07:24 UTC
He is really not sure what to think of Itachi yet. He seems quiet, which is good, and he's certainly attractive, but he can't quite get a feel for him, and that's disconcerting-- Thea's usually quite good at judging people.

He likes Soi Fong. If she was a guy, Thea'd totally go for her.


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