Jun 13, 2008 20:04

What: cyberchat among the Cylons (aka a character-based RPG over twitter)
Who: projectjulie, pirateygoodness, tellitslant, beccatoria, millari, & OTHERS
When: ONGOING, with a LIVE MEETUP @ 1:00am Sunday GMT (8:00pm Saturday EST, or check your timezone)
Where: you can read the collected stream of updates at the Hybrid control center (refresh often!), or follow each individual character using your own twitter account (expect spamming)
Why: Twitter is built into the Cylon OS as a communications interface. What happens when the Final Four (slash goggles activated, of course) come out and come into the network?

TWITTERCAST @ 1:00am Sunday GMT
[you will overhear "Revelations" SPOILERS]

Here's the individual listing, so far:

[known players]
Caprica Six
D'Anna Biers
Tory Foster
Saul Tigh
Sam Anders
The Hybrid

[unknown players]
Leoben (hat tip! he's been twittering actively for weeks)
Galen Tyrol
One True God
NEW The Final Cylon

Gaius Baltar
Kara Thrace
Bill Adama

Assorted Cylons still unrepresented: Four, Five, any Eights, other Sixes, other head!characters, Hera, Nicky, flipper!fetus, THE FINAL CYLON.

x_0pen, what:twitter, when:410, who:-cylons, where:crack

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