Vidlet Project: Tomorrow -16

May 08, 2008 23:34

Title: Tomorrow -16: Era of Communication
Concept: cyborganize
Editor: beccatoria
Spoilers: Through 4.05 The Road Less Travelled.
Summary: Fifth in a series of deadly serious crack vids set to mid-twentieth century film audio from the Prelinger Archives. This time? It's an era of communication!

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who:kara/leoben, x_cyborganize, why:tomorrow, where:het, what:vid, x_beccatoria, when:405, who:baltar

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Comments 4

heyiya May 9 2008, 05:31:58 UTC
Squee, this is totally my favourite yet! I love the interference-y effects, the audio is PERFECT and the editing is really great too. Hurrah for communication!


cyborganize May 9 2008, 17:05:00 UTC
WHEEEEEEEE. I think it's my favorite too ;). I'M IN LOVE. and this is turning into, like, a for-real Art Project.


tulzdavampslaya May 13 2008, 10:56:00 UTC
I totally love these.


cyborganize May 16 2008, 02:04:49 UTC
why thank you! we are having WAY too much fun with them. it's nice to hear it's appreciated!


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