the Slash Goggles algorithm

Apr 10, 2008 12:41

Title: BioCylon User Manual (an excerpt)
Characters: Tory, Caprica, Roslin, Starbuck
Spoilers: 401 "He That Believeth In Me"
Components: CRACK; screencap illustrations; my complete lack of actual programming knowledge; concepts from TransCoder by Zach Blas
Beta: the long-suffering _plasticity_
Summary: To improve HCI, BioCylons are equipped with an algorithm ("Slash Goggles") which establishes, based on visual data, the variant sexual preferences of human subjects.

VII - Visual Informatics
Section 7.13 - Slash Goggles Algorithm

7.13.1 - Core Function

In human society, gender (male or female) is an important consideration in selecting recreational sexual partners. While preference for the opposite gender is most common, a significant minority sometimes or always select partners of the same gender [11.8 - Human-Cylon Interaction: Sexuality]. To improve HCI, BioCylons are equipped with an algorithm ("Slash Goggles") which establishes, based on visual data, the variant sexual preferences of human subjects.

For reference, the relevant section of the code package is reproduced here, with annotations [2.2 - Software: CyCL (Cylon Core Language)].

function slash_goggles($desire) {
global $humanform;

// check activation status
if (theCloset('null')) {
qTime('image' => finger("toggle_$body->type") ? q($body->created))

// define subjects
foreach ($humanform as $body => $desire) {
$humanform->template->assign($body == 'indentity' ? 'gender' : $body, $desire);

// identify data
if (destabilizationLoop('image')) {
$desire = array(noTax('identity', 'gender'));
else {
$desire = array(mutMutate('identity', 'gender'));

// parse visual array
'characterization' => $TPTB['subtext'],
'mise-en-scene' => leaky('subtext', 'image'),
'performance' => nonteleo($body),
'narrative' => schizoA(exe($TPTB)),
'metatext' => buggery('queer', vBody()),

// execute function
$slash = $body->$body->text('queer');
return $slash;

As you can see, this script primarily calls functions and variables established elsewhere in the HCI package. Its specific role is to associate each $body with a property, $desire, that is determined by parsing the array of visual information defined here.

When activated, the Slash Goggles algorithm is marked by a pink tint in the ocular organ [1.16 - Hardware: Visual Apparatus].

[FIG 7.13.1]
7.13.2 - Operational Praxis

The Slash Goggles algorithm relies on the BioCylon capacity to simultaneously process multiple layers of optical reality [7.6 - Visual Informatics: Projection]. The following example illustrates the function and its output.

At the text layer, surface properties (mise-en-scene, performance, narrative, etc. as above) may indicate an interpretation that precludes $desire.

[FIG 7.13.2]
We now introduce a Slash Goggles equipped subject into this scene.

[FIG 7.13.3]
Viewed through this optic, the subtext layer becomes manifest. Here, more detailed iterations of $desire are visible.

[FIG 7.13.4]
The Slash Goggles analytic thus provides valuable input for proceeding with HCI.

7.13.3 - Security Protocols

As is the case with many BioCylon features, humans have some capacity for visual processing that is not disimilar to the Slash Goggles algorithm. However, human "gaydar" is many thousands of times less accurate. Because sexual preference is classified as a key defensive weakness [13.2 - The Plan: Seduce and Destroy], this data is considered highly sensitive. The Slash Goggles algorithm is therefore disabled by default, and activated only in exceptional circumstances.

According to the Word of God, there is a risk that an advanced perceptive apparatus may spontaneously emerge in certain humans. Any human subject who displays signs of sensory evolution in this area should be closely monitored.

[FIG 7.13.5]
It is possible that, in the event of said emergence, a BioCylon could be confronted about the Slash Goggles algorithm.

[FIG 7.13.6]
Do not, under any circumstances, attempt to override the safeguards and share data with such a subject!

When the Slash Goggles algorithm is activated, exchange information only with other Cylons. If living among humans, gathering in a secluded, superfluous space (such as a closet) is recommended.

[FIG 7.13.7]
When living among Cylons, the Slash Goggles algorithm is typically unnecessary, as gender is not a consideration in selecting recreational sexual partners. It is primarily important to the hybrid breeding program [13.12 - The Plan: Be Fruitful].

when:401, x_cyborganize, who:laura/kara, what:illustrated, why:01-01000011, where:fslash, who:tory, why:goggles

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