iamtheenemy made a list of
15 things she likes to read in a sex scene. I love this idea because we all seem to have wildly different kinks if the fic is anything to go by and I'm all about encouraging that kind of diversity *g* Here's my list (in no particular order, with recs when I can think of a fitting story):
mmmmmmsex )
Comments 11
So many of my kiks are right here. I actually don't think you've listened one that isn't mine. Maybe I'll just link yours and add what else I can think of. :g:
404 for Minnesota - http://www.kyliefic.com/viewstory.php?sid=72
and torch's lj is Flambeau.
And uh, is there a link for that girl!sex? 'cause..uh..yeah.
(Because, yes, that sounded...interesting. *g*)
I'm right there with you on most of these. The only exception are gender benders. Not my thing. Not even when it's JC. ;)
The genderbending thing was just sort of--something I grew up on? (in the fanfic sense?) Popslash was my first fandom and well, you know how much cracktastic fic there is in the popslash world so I was all kinds of surprised when I started venturing out into other fandoms and found out that AUs and stories where wonderfully wacky thing happen aren't the norm. I think this is probably why I love SGA so much. So many opportunities for craziness!
Oh dude, isn't it weird? [laughs] I love that popslash is on crack. :)))
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