Nov 02, 2010 10:09

It's more important than ever that we speak our minds. Unless you're a conservative right wing Republican (or Tea Bagger), of course, then you should just take a nice nap. Actually, if you're one of those Tea Bag freaks, you might think about taking a long jump off a short pier, as they say in New England. We don't need your bigoted shit right now ( Read more... )

30 days of true blood, election day 2010, 30 days memes, 30 days of angel, 30 days of buffy

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Comments 8

elbiesee November 2 2010, 14:24:31 UTC
I only wish there was a line we could choose that said, "Stop being a bunch of assholes sitting around jerking each other off and GET SOME SHIT DONE." And that goes to BOTH SIDES.

You and me both, Lady. Let's start our own political party!


theantijoss November 3 2010, 13:29:51 UTC
Seriously! It could be the "Fire Them All and Start From Scratch" Party. If I remember correctly, it is legal and constitutional to do so. Our government is supposed to be of the people, by the people, for the people, not FOR THE POLITICIANS AND BIG BUSINESSES WHO OWN THEM.

I wouldn't want to be a politician in this crooked system. *spits*

*sigh* Well, at least we don't have to watch those frigging commercials for another two years.


ladyoneill November 2 2010, 14:27:28 UTC
I only wish there was a line we could choose that said, "Stop being a bunch of assholes sitting around jerking each other off and GET SOME SHIT DONE." And that goes to BOTH SIDES. *sigh*

My right wing boss and I both agree on this. *sigh*


theantijoss November 3 2010, 13:31:01 UTC
You know your government's in trouble when THAT'S what brings all the parties together.

Of course, the meaning of what gets done is where the trouble would come in.


nyxocity November 2 2010, 15:31:45 UTC
Hey baby. This totally OT (or as OT as B/A ever gets in this journal) but I need your help! I'm digging around for inspiration for my B/A story for IWRY, and I was wondering if, you know, you maybe had any old plot bunnies lying around? Any inspiration would be helpful! I'm coming up blank.



theantijoss November 3 2010, 13:53:33 UTC
Oh my! Well, first, B/A is never OT here, as you mention. ;) As for a bunny? Hm.... Let me look in my UNFINISHED AND PROBABLY ALWAYS WILL BE file.

I found an outline for one. I'll email it to you and see if there's anything you can make of it.


loversopolite November 2 2010, 18:57:16 UTC
It's more important than ever that we speak our minds. Unless you're a conservative right wing Republican (or Tea Bagger), of course, then you should just take a nice nap. Actually, if you're one of those Tea Bag freaks, you might think about taking a long jump off a short pier, as they say in New England. We don't need your bigoted shit right now on top of everything else.

... I am a Republican... I'm pretty sure I'm not a bad person... but hey I guess I should go jump off a pier...


theantijoss November 3 2010, 13:36:06 UTC
No, no. Not Republican. Republicans and the Tea Bag Party are very, very different. You can be a conservative and not be a hateful bigot who hates anyone that's not a white Christian conservative, which seems to escape the Tea Bag movement. Who believe that unless you're lucky enough to be able to stand on your own (not poor, sick, of color, undereducated, or anything else), you're on your own. That's very disturbing to me.

I have a number of friends who are Republican, and though we don't agree on everything, they are perfectly nice people. And fandom crosses party lines. That statement was tongue in cheek, except that the Tea Baggers really give me the creeps. I apologize if you were offended, but again, I wasn't painting all Republicans with the same brush, but only a particular subset. *hugs*

I'm sorry, sweetie.


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