
Jun 20, 2009 21:43

Okay, is there anybody who hasn't guest starred on the L-word? I mean, anyone not even remotely, tangentially tied to civil rights, feminism, or the LGBT community? Heh, probably not. Anyway, there's Bif Naked, who I LOVE! You just can't miss her ( Read more... )

a_decade_of_ats, tv: the l word, tv: angel, small tv world

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Comments 7

sockkpuppett June 21 2009, 01:57:47 UTC
Ooh! A decade of Angel. Should I sign up? Haven't I done enough damage? He's still so freaking gorgeous though...


theantijoss June 21 2009, 17:05:09 UTC
I'm TOTALLY signing up! There cannot be enough damage done to such an awesome character. I promise I'll write something fluffy to balance things out. If that's any kind of enticement. *G*


cputrbug June 21 2009, 03:33:39 UTC
Wow! I can't believe it's been 10 years already. And DB looks smokin' hot even still.


theantijoss June 21 2009, 17:13:23 UTC
He really, seriously does. *sigh*

I meant to add that I think he's in better shape now than he's ever been.


lassroyale June 21 2009, 07:28:05 UTC
I just have to pop in here and say, TRUE BLOOD IS THE FUCKING SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy sweet, I am in love with the series and I've only watched about two episodes so far. I have the whole season so I plan on watching all of them in a short amount of time.

Usually I don't like Anna Paquin because her role in X-men just about killed the character of Rogue for me, but in this she's tolerable. And Bill...*drool* he's about the sexiest vampire ever. Seriously. I never thought Brad Pitt made a sexy vamp - his jaw is too square or something...I know, I'm weird - nor do I think Robert Pattinson has any finesse for a vampire role either. But this guy...he drips southern gent and sexuality. (to me at least). I love how old fashioned he is: "Can I call on you sometime?" I just about died.

Okay, I'll be sure to drop by and gush as I watch more episodes. I'm also so freakin' glad that this is on HBO.


theantijoss June 21 2009, 17:23:50 UTC

Yeah, I have to say, Bill is sexy as hell, and much more interesting on the show (thanks to Stephen Moyer -- who's BRITISH, you know) than anything. I don't even think you've met Eric yet, he's my man. I think Anna does a fantastic job with a character who's hard to sympathize with (for me) in the books.

Plus, the show gives HUGE, fantastic parts to secondary character from the books, like Lafayette (who I adore) and Tara.

Just keep watching, it just keeps getting better. If you want to squee, feel free to post over at trueblood_squee, where I plan to squee every week. *g*


(The comment has been removed)

theantijoss June 23 2009, 02:23:35 UTC
OMG YES YES YEEEESSSSSS! *sigh* That is the most brilliant frickin thing I've ever seen.

Well, maybe not, but it is still AWESOME. The Twihards squee so loud that you can't hear the many, MANY people who are all, "Um... this is not so good for young women, you know."

THANK YOU! It's like a nice cold beer on a hot day. ;)


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