Where Jake Makes Bella Feel Better - T - 521

Aug 23, 2011 19:01

I was talking to mellyfrisco6 about asking for drabble prompts and she reassured me I would be fine when I told her I was nervous about doing it (because I didn't want to disappoint someone) and then willow2883 got in on the action and gave me this prompt:

@mermeg29: Then I think u should write a drabble where Bella feels like crap, has her period & Jake give her a ( Read more... )


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Comments 6

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exquisite_ugly August 24 2011, 15:45:52 UTC
I don't think there would be anyone who wouldn't want a boyfriend like Jake. ;) Thanks!


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exquisite_ugly August 24 2011, 15:46:19 UTC
Thank you :) They're just too adorable together for their own good!


willow2883 August 24 2011, 03:35:14 UTC
There were chocolate wrappers all over the coffee table and the floor
I literally threw my head back and laughed at this line!
"Do you have an STD?"
Ooooh, I bet Jake's warmth would be almost as soothing as his strong hands in a massage.
"Bells? You know what else is good for cramps and achy muscles?" he whispered in her ear.
"Sex and lots of it."
He was rewarded with a smack and a burst of giggles.
Cute! And so them! I would totally take the cramps for a Jacob Black back massage. (And his latter suggestion)!
Very cute!
Now see, that's how you take a bad situation (you had cramps and didn't feel good) and make it work for you. :P
Good job!


exquisite_ugly August 24 2011, 15:48:22 UTC
I literally threw my head back and laughed at this line!

Mission accomplished! ;)

Yeah, his heat and big hands would be perfect for achiness due to cramps!

And I must agree.. would so keep them if I could get a Jacob massage! Bella now knows to call Jake every month. ;) Thanks, bb.. glad you liked it! Fun prompt!


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exquisite_ugly August 24 2011, 15:48:47 UTC
Why are you pouting??


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exquisite_ugly August 24 2011, 18:46:22 UTC
lol I thought it was something like that, but just wanted to make sure. ;)


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