Writing Out of Order?

Jun 16, 2011 00:22

Hey there TATSonians!

I'm working on my story You Smell Like Home, after a few months of blockage and generally zero motivation to write anything at all.  I only have one chapter out, and I started writing chapter 2 and then my muse just pooped out.  So I've been going back over what I have this week, and I realized that what I had for chapter 2 ( Read more... )

discussion: writing process, fanfiction

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amaggiepie June 16 2011, 14:53:14 UTC
I usually do, too. That's why this is BUGGING THE CRAP out of me. I feel like it's a *sign* or something. LOL.

My brain hurts. But I posted Chapter 1 already and people are bugging me to update. I can't leave it unfinished. It would kill me.



caramia_darling June 16 2011, 19:28:52 UTC
I think the only stories I've ever written in (chronological) order are exam-mandated essays. When I write a story for pleasure, I tend to have a general idea of where I'd like the entire story to progress, write out major scenarios and then sort of fill in the gaps. Still, I manage to get blocked, big time, LOL!


willow2883 June 16 2011, 19:44:14 UTC
Oh brother! I kept trying to get Bella and Jacob to get "friendly" in this last fic I'm writing (Intoxicating), and they kept fighting on me. It was very annoying! Sometimes the characters do not cooperate at all with me! LOL So I totally know what you're talking about. (For big-time not cooperating - read the last chapter of Reality and Dreams. RME! I totally did not see it coming, yet I couldn't stop it either ( ... )


amaggiepie June 16 2011, 20:10:08 UTC
Oh brother! I kept trying to get Bella and Jacob to get "friendly" in this last fic I'm writing (Intoxicating), and they kept fighting on me.

FWIW, I really really LIKE that (the slow building up to teh secks) about Intoxicating. I know you are like the lemon queen, so I have to say I was surprised that it hasn't happened yet, but I think it is more true to their characters and where their minds are at right now. The trashy novel idea is awesome too, BTW.

I'm with Lilabut. I would be completely confused to write things out of order.

It sure as hell is confusing the shit out of me. Now I'm thinking that mayeb this scene DOES go here. Ugh. Maybe I'll email it to you later. With a long wordy explanation of my plot bunnies. ;)

Bottom line, I like to write in order and have at least 5 or 6 chapters down before I post the very first one. I wish I had endings for my fics as soon as I start them, but I never know how I'm going to end them till I'm about half-way to 3/4 of the way in.Yeah, since I've already taken such a long time on ( ... )


willow2883 June 16 2011, 20:28:20 UTC
In your defense though, you weren't planning on making yours a multi-chapter, you originally wrote it out as a o/s. Soooo, you're forgiven. LOL
Sure, bring it on, bb. You know my email address. I'd be happy to look at it.
I'm just glad to see you're back! :)


amaggiepie June 17 2011, 13:09:59 UTC
;) Thanks. I was planning on emailing you last night, but Uncle Iroh stole me away (my new solo podfic! Yay me!)

I'll send it over in a bit. *muah* You are made of WIN!


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amaggiepie June 17 2011, 13:12:44 UTC
See, that's what I think happened to me. I knew where I wanted things to go, so I jumped into writing that scene only to realize I couldn't go straight from point a to point b, it wouldn't be as well written that way.

I'm glad to know that this style of writing works for you. I think that for this story, it's how things are gonna go. Which means I have to write the whole thing before updating. :|


likexaxdove June 17 2011, 06:29:52 UTC
I don't write out of order, I just...can't. It'd throw off my ~grove.

What I'd suggest is for you to try to write a vague chapter-by-chapter outline for your story. You don't need to get very detailed at all, just make a few notes of what scenes you want to happen during each chapter. The trick to having outlines and writing successful stories is to be willing to change your story to fit your characters/situations as you write. If you're writing a certain part in a chapter and it just doesn't work, then try something else. What you outline isn't set in stone so your story can be flexible to how you write and develop it.

Also, even though I don't write out of order, lots of people do. If it works for you, then go for it. However, I'd always be prepared to go back and tweak things or change certain scenes so that the overall story flows correctly.


amaggiepie June 17 2011, 13:15:59 UTC
I don't write out of order, I just...can't. It'd throw off my ~grove.

Where's Kuzco when you need him? I totally just imagined him soing the llama-Kuzco dance.

What I'd suggest is for you to try to write a vague chapter-by-chapter outline for your story.

I definately need to do this. I think it will help loads. I've been avoiding it because I'm still not sure what I'm doing. (Shit. No one is going to want to read this thing now. I sound like an idiot. LOL.) I guess I should put on my big girl panties and sort out all my little plot bunnies. It's not like they're Monty Python plot bunnies, right? Nothin' to be afraid of. They won't bite...


amaggiepie June 17 2011, 13:16:29 UTC
*doing. DOING the llama-Kuzco dance.


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