Rec-ing Project

Sep 27, 2010 18:59

Hello Fellow TATSonians!

I have a proposal to put to you all.

It takes dedication.

It takes commitment.

It takes a willingness to be tortured beyond the edges of sanity (possibly farther).

This mission, should you choose to accept, would result in THE GREATEST FANFICTION REC LIST OF ALL TIME. Or, you know, at least a more completed, cleaner version of ( Read more... )

!fanfic rec post

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Comments 21

lsjcandy September 28 2010, 04:59:13 UTC
I'd really love to help you, and the master of fanfic-masterlists is just what I was looking for, because my ass is too lazy to fic-dive, but I can't do any of the things.
EERHH, my "fic-diving" mostly includes hanging out on this or other communities in search of something good.. So I'm not good at that. I think.
I could give the link to the first fanfictions I've read (On en but you've probably read them all..

ALTHOUGH, if you need a good start:
Breathe Again - Ysar <-- And the side stories are well-written and fun!! (Not completed ( ... )


pnai_87 September 28 2010, 05:15:47 UTC
YAY, a reply ^_^ Thank you!
All good stories, thanks for the rec.
ZENITH! Totally must read.


majestamoniet September 28 2010, 21:27:17 UTC
Zenith - Majestamoniet (Completed - I haven't read it completely yet, it's one of the many "Have To Reads")

omg, don't waste your time. I hear it's awful, and the author is a total n00b.


pnai_87 September 28 2010, 21:34:59 UTC


inferiarecoming September 28 2010, 06:47:01 UTC
I think I'd be interested in helping out. I don't particularly know of any other sites though, I generally stick to LJ and But I'd be glad to help out with the 'diving' :)

Great idea by the way.


pnai_87 September 28 2010, 17:23:19 UTC
Awesome! Thanks so much ^_^ If the story is on lj, either stick it in your memories or bookmark it (some way to keep track of it) and on Friday thereabouts please send me your list. If it's on another site, same thing. Keep it up until you either run out of time or run out of stories. OOOH, this is soooo exciting ^_^


inferiarecoming September 28 2010, 21:10:27 UTC
On it. Anything specific you want me to stick with? One-shots, WIPs? Let me know :)


pnai_87 September 28 2010, 21:33:19 UTC
I'm a little hedgy on oneshots so if you'd like to start there? If there happens to be a fic that catches your eyes that isn't a oneshot please do not hesitate to snag it for the list.


rainey_lane September 28 2010, 08:55:05 UTC
I'm in:) Great idea.


pnai_87 September 28 2010, 17:25:51 UTC
Thank you ^_^ If you'd like to look through all the WIPs out there? I know there are a ton, and it's a big job but I find that a lot of the most epic j/b fics aren't completed yet, you know what I mean?


tunde_tre September 28 2010, 12:23:49 UTC
I came across two other sites which have VIP fanfic-authors (i think they're also on other sites):
A Different Forest
TWCS Library

Just don't know how you can merge different "tastes" and come up with ONE list,but i'm all for it !!!


channings September 28 2010, 15:19:22 UTC
I'd be a great diver. :) I dive every day, might as well do it for something.


pnai_87 September 28 2010, 17:30:55 UTC
This is turning out to feel like a lot of fun ^_^ TEAM JACOB of the world UNITE XD

Next to fic recs, diving is the only way I can find good fics. It's tedious and sometimes I have to go back and check the summary to remember what the story is even about, but it's totally worth it. Do you want to dive for the completed fics or the WIPs?

Thank you so much and welcome aboard :)


channings September 29 2010, 03:10:36 UTC
Completed fics! :D No problem!


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