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Comments 27

mstrobel May 20 2011, 10:20:10 UTC
*giggles* Scorpion certainly is very trying! I thoroughly enjoyed this, not just the tale itself but the fact that it was a story within a story and I love that kind of thing!


the_vernacular May 25 2011, 18:22:06 UTC
I like that kind of thing, too! I'm not even sure why I wrote it that way; I guess I felt like the comic needed a segue.


pixiebelle May 23 2011, 04:09:36 UTC
I always kinda liked the original folktale as it is...

And you went and made it all kinds of AWESOME and I seriously giggled a lot while reading this!


the_vernacular May 25 2011, 18:22:41 UTC
Hee, thanks! And yeah, it's one of my favorites. When I was in high school, I always wore a scorpion bracelet because of it.


amenquohi May 23 2011, 18:58:22 UTC
Fabulous ending - I loved it!


the_vernacular May 25 2011, 18:22:54 UTC
Thank you!


basric May 24 2011, 02:12:48 UTC
I enjoyed it.


the_vernacular May 25 2011, 18:23:07 UTC


alephz May 24 2011, 15:52:27 UTC
At first it was just one of my favourite folktales (though I knew the fox version best). Adding on the last bits of text made it an even better entry.

Eat it, Rabbit. You smug prick.


the_vernacular May 25 2011, 18:23:58 UTC
Poor Rabbit! He can't help being a smug prick, it's in his nature.


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