.. i am in a very.. uhm. agitated mood. not quite sure why, although i'm sure i could think of a few reasons. i'm very annoyed. i hope this passes before tomorrow-- not that anything special is going on for my birthday, aside from the fact that i'm probably going to get insanely drunk.
there is no way for me to win. today was a pretty good day.. and now it fucking sucks. oh, wait. the show was yesterday (saturday.) so i guess now, sunday sucks.
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REC0MMEND 1. A movie: 2. A book: 3. A musical artist, song, or album: 4. An LJ user not on my friends list: 5. Something to do in the next two months
i'm getting my ears stretched again today.. up to 4g.. how exciting. i'm almost there. it'll take longer after this, though, because this is the farthest i got before.. and had to go back down to 6 because i am an idiot. oh well
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