Title: The One True Free Life (25 / 26 + epilogue)
Characters: Alt!Ten/Rose, and everyone else I can cram in to the Alt!Verse, plus several OCs
Rating: Teen
Spoilers: Everything
Disclaimer: It would be a very different, and possibly quite upsetting, world if I owned these characters. For the sake of the world's children, I don't.
Summary: When Rose and
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Comments 52
And that last line? Sucker punch to the gut.
I absolutely adore this story, and all your stories. There will be more after this one is complete, right? Please? Pretty please? I have brownies...and I'm not afraid to use them!
Yes, I will keep writing, and I think I'm even setting up a little 'verse here in this story to which I can return when the mood strikes.
Also, it has been a delirious and charming ride, and I have enjoyed it very much.
I will follow your career with interest!
I just looked and this blasted thing is currenly 119 pages in Word (I write in google docs which doesn't give you a page count). I don't think I've ever written anything that long in my life. so I'm glad people enjoyed my little experiment in epic longness.
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