Title: The Dark Side of the Sun (4/?)
Rating: R
Pairings: Undecided
Warnings: Violence, character death, language...and people may have cause to take issue with my portrayal of our good Commissioner...
Disclaimer: 'The Dark Knight' and 'Leon' belong to various people who aren't me. And apologies to the almighty Pterry for nicking the title of one
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Comments 11
Footsteps on the cold tiled floors echoed from the walls, lights buzzing faintly in their safety cages of wire mesh. Faintly in the distance someone was screaming.
Creepy, claustrophobic, depressing, disturbing....I could go on, but yeah, that's how your description of the place came across to me!
Anyway, great chapter, and I really love your characterisation of Gordon.
And while filling out requisition forms wasn't his idea of a good time, he'd rather that than staring at his bedroom ceiling with the empty half of the bed stretching out to fill the dead silence in the room.
That sentence broke my heart. Poor lonely Gordon....
I'm glad you liked the chapter, especially the bits you quoted - I was thinking I maybe had too much dialogue and not enough narrative.
One lil side note...hope you don't mind...but I got to say the moment in the film when he gets Joker...We go you son of B****....so reminded me on Stan...
Oooooo good point. I hadn't thought of that before, but yeah. You can see him coming through a little bit...
Hope for more soon XD
More...well, there will bemore. Not sure when though.
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