Title: Blindsided (Call and Fold 6/9)
Rating: R
Warnings: Slash, angst, lack of sexing
Pairings: Chris/Ezra, Buck/JD, Ezra/JD, and, uh...some Chris/Buck appeared, apparently of its own free will.
Disclaimer: I make no attempt to pretend that I own the Magnificent Seven.
Summary: Our boys return to Four Corners, and Ezra decides to return the favour
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Comments 14
Vin, too - he may not be one of the one getting set up for love, but his voice is wonderful in this. You do him very well!
So - why the present tense? Just curious . . .
I'm glad you approve of my Buck-Voice - he's damned hard to write. And yes, it does really sadden me that I've run out of people to slash Vin with...
And why past tense? Because I wrote 'Farewell Note' in the present tense just for a little experiment. The all of a sudden there were eight more parts waiting to be written, and it would have felt jarring to switch tenses.
Wwweeeeeuuuullllll . . .you could always have Vin show Josiah the way . . . heh. Or Chanu (have you read any of Wolfandboarfics Vin/Chanu stories? They're wonderful - but then, most of her stuff is wonderful. check out her Dark Universe if you haven't had the chance. Almost as good as the ones you pointed me to . . . )
Hmm. I like the way your mind works. After viewing Manhunt for the first time, I was blinded by the slash and read every Vin/Chanu fic I could lay my hands on (Not to mention that this was the ep which opened my eyes to the possibility of Buck/Ezra). WB's are the modern AU ones, aren't they?
it goes out to ME? wow...*blush* I'm honored! ^_^
I'm just continually amazed by your writing - I swear I have never seen anyone get every single one of the Seven perfectly characterized before this. it's so incredibly believable it's CANON, except BETTER.
I was so excited for your Buck POV chapter, and you did NOT disappoint! his voice was dead on! this is exactly what I'd expect from him and more.
I'm trying to figure out how I can tell you how AWESOME this is but I'm just damn near SPEECHLESS. it's just perfect, still honestly the best Magnificent Seven fic I've ever read.
VERY MUCH looking forward to more!
I'm simultaneously incredibly flattered and utterly bemused by the happily speechless feedback. Don't worry, inarticulate squeals of joy are about the best comments a writer can get XD
Um...I really do plan to write more. Soon. Honestly.
*hits muse with stick*
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