Title: Time Enough and Life.
Characters/pairings: Jack/Ianto, team, past Ianto/Lisa mentioned.
Word count: 23,900
Rating: nc17
Warnings: None.
Contains Sex scene. Temporary character death.
mella68Summary: Writing up the report on the Night Travellers, Jack finds one line in the Electro guide book that confuses him - it closed in 1977. It
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Comments 2
Hope you're getting loads of nice feedback flooding in. It's a great story. People are going to love it.
Only got three reviews, and one person saying they were getting the pdf to read later. But I think with so many long stories being posted for the big bang if people are reading them in order that they were posted it's going to be a few days until they get to mine, so I might get a few more reviews yet.
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