I don't normally do the meme thing, but...

Aug 18, 2009 12:49

...this one is too good to resist.

If you see this post and you're a fan of Sheppard/Weir, take a moment to post a link up to one of your favorite S/W fics. Pass it on.

If a fic you authored gets recced by someone else, feel the PRESSURE to post up two!

I haven't been recced, but I'm posting two anyway:

Humor/Crack!fic: Interruptus, by
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fanfic, sparky, fandom

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Comments 4

anuna_81 August 18 2009, 20:38:48 UTC
It looks like I'll have to do this meme again. :) You're a darling, thank you for this - that's probably my own favorite authored story :)


the_scary_kitty August 18 2009, 21:09:58 UTC
You're welcome! It's one of the fics I always reach for when I need a few good giggles. :D


anuna_81 August 18 2009, 21:15:58 UTC
I need to read that long one you recced. Time, time where did you go? Arghhhh.


the_scary_kitty August 18 2009, 22:28:44 UTC
Slide Into the Night is awesome. In the author's notes on the version she's posted at fanfiction.net, she said that she's working on a pair of sequel fics, but it'll be a while before they're posted. Something to look forward to. :)


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