1.01 Truth Be Told.

May 21, 2007 01:09

Hi, all! This is, um, kind of long cause I gush. A lot.

Alright. I haven't watched this episode in about five months, which is pretty much a record for me. I made it my mission for many years to get as many people as humanly possible to watch this show, so I watched this episode with a lot of people, with a pretty high success rate.

We always watch with subtitles, and for those who think they detract- they do not. Try them. They're so much fun.

Mom: Will Danny die?
Me: Yes, Danny will die.
Mom: Damn.

OPENING CREDITS. I absolutely love the credits and the music and I do the Alias Dance. Whee. The Alias dance is all important and was RUINED when Season Four changed the music. Boo.

Hello, water sounds and red lights! This scares me, cause drowning is a big fear of mine. I like to breathe. (This truly is an amazing pilot.) The way they introduce things, and the use of cuts and different times and the cohesion- it's wonderful. I am also entirely in love with the red wig because it is beautiful. And they really do a good job of instilling fear and whyyy didn't I watch this show from the start? Why?

I love the classroom they used for the first scene with Syd-the-student, it's gorgeous. The professor is so kindly looking. OMG, Jen looks like such a baby! I love her hair. And her lipstick. And- OMG DANNY! DANNY!

(I am THE BIGGEST DANNY FAN EVER and I really believe that he and Syd would've been together forever had he not died. And it kind of hurts me to say that since... well, I'm a Syd/Vaughn person. But he is delightful and sweet and I love him.)

And the beautiful UCLA campus, how lovely. I covet Syd's bag like no other, and I really love that Danny is searching in his bag this whole time, and I never noticed that. It's adorable. What I love about him is that he really seems like he's been in a hundred other episodes, not just this one. Edward Atterton and Jennifer Garner have a really natural chemistry and they seem very comfortable and couply.

AND HE SINGS THE WORDS WRONG. It is just so endearing and delightful and they didn't tell the people on the lawn that he's sing like that, and the bells weren't supposed to go off, and it's just so real and adorable and god, I'd hate it if it were me, but oh my god, this is so delightful. In spite of the ominous bells of doom. And then the kisses and it's SO CUTE and I cannot stand it.

Danny is wearing a pinkie ring. I way love him.

Okay, one: Who's green house is that? I think Syd and Francie's. Two: Why does Syd have a red pick-up truck???? Three: Ohhh, Francie is so cute.

Syd is totally changed. So she waited a day? Or is she on her way to work? Hm.

I wonder how Syd thinks he'd ruin it. Just by disparaging Danny? Or by... forbidding her or something? I wonder. And I really do wonder how much Syd remembers of her mother.

But it's really cute how Syd corrects Francie about the importing/exporting. I think she wants to be a daddy's girl more than she'd ever admit.


That's Felicity's hospital! It's so realistic to have Danny call from the hospital, and, from what we know of the character, for him to call Jack to ask permission. Because it's adorable and sweet and oh man. I wonder if he's ever talked to Jack or met him before. I mean, he must of, but I wonder how far it went. He looks so bewildered at Jack's reaction.

I think one of my favorite things about Victor Garber is the cadence he uses for Jack Bristow's speech. It's fabulous. And I love him so much.

And Syd! She looks so happy and this was the season of Syd's flippy short hair and I miss it.

CREDIT DAUPHINE! I love that they use that french word and then SD for section disparu. And Syd working off the ring to hide it and the special red flashy room that makes this show so unique and I am just gushing.

Oh, original SD-6! Not ours! Weird!

HI DIXON! Carl Lumbly is darling and Dixon noticing that Syd has a glow is just so cute and then her throwing up her hands at it? Oh man. LOVE.

Oh, and Syd and Sloane's only exchange without animosity! How awesome.

That is very obviously a room they used for the CIA building. How funny.

Ohhhh, and it's before Sloane let on about Rambaldi. Funness. Acting like it's that Mueller guy.

Weisman saying "fu-- screwed" is awesome. And calling the bathroom "the woman's refresh" is so darling. He is so good as Marshall. He wants to get it for forty-seven cause it's a prime number. That's the first time we see it! Oh, memories.

And now the running. WE GET TO MEET WILL NOW. It's so cute that he can't keep up. Why was she running with a sweater? Bizarre.

Also, I entirely love what Will says about not liking his sister anymore. And disparaging Pretty Woman as a favorite movie. He is so cute and I would've been all over Syd being with him too. And wow, Jen and Coop's acting in this scene is awesome. She's so earnest and unsure and Will's so subtly devastated and he does that thing where it's like, nooo, it's good!

Mom: His heart is broken, Syd, it's broken! Can't you tell!

The lightning in the next scene with Syd and Danny is so intensely beautiful with the sun coming through, but how could Syd explain that she was studying hieroglyphics (?)

Who's house is that, his? And then they're so innocently happy and Syd'll never have that again and Danny is so darling and it's just so adorableso ontop of not getting caught, and Danny is just like omgshowersexWIN and his shirt gets caught on his face as he pulls it up and... sigh. It'll never be good after this! WAIL. And she won't let him kiss her and he thinks it's a joke and I love this scene. (And, hi, Cranberries, we get it. You hope he'll never grow old. Ding ding ding!)

I'm really glad they pulled away for that scene, because it would've been hard to word that properly. The framing was just gorgeous.

OMG, HI EVIL CHINESE DENTIST. Wow, that guy scares me like no other bad guy ever did. Nice job with the water droplets on Syd's face, makeup people. And the door slamming! Wow.

And that injection is a lot more innocuous than they present it. I half-expected her to wake up paralyzed or something. Instead, she gets wildly sedated.

And now, background! Syd and her long hair and she is so cute and earnest and sweet. And then her sitting in the library and idly considering it...this is so well-done.

She does look more innocent in this episode than we ever see her again- her freckles are in full-force, and the way she has her hair... there's a youth about her here and Jennifer Garner owns my soul basically. Danny's reaction is so realistic and really considerate, all things considered, and Syd does give him a fair warning and he acknowledges the damage.

Danny: I'll call you tonight.

And it's their last scene together!

Also, why was Syd driving Will's car? That's not yours, Syd! Lord.

I love Syd's hair on the plane. And Dixon. I love everything about this show. And jeez, Syd, way to have this conversation too late. I know that she didn't plan to tell Danny but really. Syd will learn that rule very well.

I love Syd's dress in this part. And her hair. And her lipstick. I am such a fan of the costumers.


Okay, let's discuss the message. The way that it is entirely too cute to be real. The way that he interjects and then ends with "Thank you- she meant to say thank you." and and and I LOVE IT. And I don't want him to leave this message! And it's so sweet and he loves her and he's been drinking, but can you how horrible Sydney must have felt when she went home, after finding his body, and then going to SD-6 and being analyzed for her own loyalty, and then going home to find her machine blinking with the message that got him killed? That's a scene I would like to see.

(My mom is really too angry to describe about Danny's death.)

This is really wonderfully done, his voice over her mission and then how SD-6 finds out and aaaaugh the editing it amazing.

I don't think Sloane did anything to try to fix this. He didn't want Syd having an outside life, and Danny was a problem. He probably figured that his good little patriot Sydney would get back to work right away to ease her pain and accept that what had been done was for her own good.

Packages from Berlin, oh snap! Muller device! Syd's so good at what she does. But it costs her! And now ECD will see her! I love that Syd goes all West Virginia on him and then she brings out a really good weapon: the pout. And then she ends with "I like your tie!" and he touches it happily.

OH NOES! It's the Bad Boys Club! Whatcha gonna do? Ohhhhh, Daddy. Are you evil? Is the world that cruel? Oh, Sloane, you should know his loyalty lies with SYDNEY, you fool. FOOLISH MAN.

Hm. SD-6 wanted to pick Syd up at the airport. I wonder if SD-6 would've told Sydney about Danny's fate right away, or if they would've waited. This is interesting. The guy looks vaguely concerned, but maybe cause he's afraid... Syd'll go rogue? Or something? Hm.

Oh. Oh, and it's the scene.

Mom: Do you think he's really dead?
Me: Yes I do.

Jen Garner was perfect in that scene. Really well played. Her alarm and the shaking of her hands- ack. Well done.

And the way she's driving, with her mouth open and shaking and I guess she hugged Danny or something cause that blood was not there before. Aww, poor Syd. Now she's just defeated and kind of deflates. And the way she cries, she's just heartbreaking.

But now she's angry! It's kind of perfect that she just blames it all on Sloane and not on SD-6 and their practices. Oh, and her sad face. She slays me.

McCullough! His voice is perfect for his job.

And now the car is getting towed! Syd's had the worst day ever of all time. Poor lamb.

And now we're back to bewigged Syd and omg, ECD. He is an awesome bad guy.

I LOVE THIS SCENE. Because it's so juvenile and Syd truly thinks she has nothing to lose but, oh man. Her pretty little teeth. I had my wisdom teeth out last summer and holy god, it hurt like whoa, and I had crazy drugs, so I can't even imagine.

Danny's funeral. Wow. The appropriate weather and the pretty pearl earrings that I think she wears as Irina in season four.

JACK! Oh, he wouldn't have been welcomed.

I think the green house was Syd and Francie's. That must be it. And who are all those young kids?

AMY! AMY TIPPIN LOOOOOVE. I love that she's wearing black lace fingerless gloves.

And replacing the phone message slays me. She's so brave. And she says "thank you," bless her little heart.

Oh, anvils! Literary anvils! And oh man, it's a beeper! Weird. And it's the bag I covet again! And Dixon! It's been three months, wow. I don't think Dixon had clearance to go tell Syd that and just did it out of the goodness of his heart, and for that, I love him.

Poor sad Syd, eating dinner all alone! And omg, it's the garage! If only people had surveillance cameras. This show gave me a fear of enclosed parking garages. Man, what a bizarre car choice for her. And the door is locked! Is this the end for our heroine?

Wow, Syd matches well. And hi, Francie! She's so cute. She has no idea, poor lamb.

Does anyone else jump when they hear the Nokia ring?

First real fight scene on the show! Awesome. She is so good. AND THEN! AND THEN! WAIT FOR IT!

One of the two time Syd says it:


Her face is so cute. She is so entirely bewildered at this turn of events.

"Dad, you have a gun."

Wow. She must realize that her dad is completely awesome. And then he tells her to put on her seatbelt! Win.

It's- it's- it's just so perfect that he's doing all the talking. Yes, he's in SD-6. Mmhmm, he's a spy. Yep, the agency doesn't trust you anymore. Yes, he's getting her out of it by giving her new papers and a flight out of the country. The man is astonishing, but of course he has everything set up to get his baby to safety. And his voice when he responds that he never sold airplane parts? Oh man. I wonder when Syd began wondering about whether or not her mother knew.

And then trying for a mask! Oh man. Poor Jack, having to tell her about The Twelve. And then telling her about the Alliance and how SD-6 is bad and the poor girl. Her brain is all dizzy. He can't be the enemy if you're working with him. And his face and voice asking her to go! Augh. And damn you, Syd, being so nasty. Mostly justified, but still. Poor Jack.

AAAH the ECD. Her screams fill me with terror.

WILL! And Syd's serial killer handwriting. Poor Syd, having to get help and Will's all confused and worried and man, it's lucky that Will lives with Amy.

I dressed up as airport!Syd for Halloween about two years ago! And I love the outfit and her voice and it totally pops. Looove. And the color red is just the phenomenal Little Mermaid hair that... I want. And covet. No, seriously. And I love that she breaks into the Jag after the guy blows smoke in her face. It's great. Especially with the animal noise. And the close up on the Jaguar Security! Ha.

Air-shaft most likely used later in the season! Awesome. The lighting is so cool and spotty. And then her doorknob jimmy breaks, and she is totally surprised by that guy who whacks her. Wow. What a sucky few seconds.

Hi, ECD. He's so good and creepy and not entirely evil. Poor Sydney. This is the majorly unfun part of being a spy. I love that she actually whispers it before shaking her head.

And then he gets too close and calls her a pretty little girl and it's awesome. Oh, Syd. Her face is realistically swollen. Her mom wasn't there to insist she keep ice on it.

There's the cat noise again as she fights the guards with a broomstick. She is truly a winner.

Wow, she uses the fire extinguisher here just like she does in The Box! That's great.

Ha, her face when the circumference explodes. Like, um, it disappeared into water. And she screams while shooting! Syd definitely becomes a more disciplined spy.

And she's brilliant, and it explodes, and Sinead O'Connor starts and it's just entirely great. She is her own person and she saunters on in to SD-6 like a badass and wow, she even has major poof in her hair and she doesn't care. She just swaggers on in like, yeah, bitches. I did that on my own. And then she demands a week off. And Sloane just looks enchanted by that!

AND THEN THE CIA. OH MAN. WIN. And she knows the correct term to use, what a good girl.

I wonder how she lost Security Section.

VAUGHN! He looks like a baby and oh my god I love him. Hot and beautiful and oh man. And hi Weiss!

Their first exchange is not at all romantic, but it doesn't involve food and pens, so whatever.

vaughn has a nice office, and a picture of nonAlice, which, huh. And omg he is SO CUTE SQUEE. It's like, Tolstoy long.

And Syd is in such a snit and it's so cute. Vaughn's all cute and ordinary, but Syd is all paranoid and great. VAUGHN HAS AN INSTINCT. Also, we know that it's October 1st. Poor Syd does let him see that she's in pain, poor lamb.

And aw, I didn't know that Syd had flowers. And wow, what a stark headstone. I paused the show here the first time I watched this show ever cause I needed to go to Christmas Eve Mass and I didn't know there was only like, two more minutes.

OH MY GOD HI JACK. And he tries so hard to reach out to Syd, saying that he knows what it's like to lose someone. Wow. She is so hardened. This is amazing to see. And then, winnn. He beats her with everything and lets her know that he's part of the CIA too and now they're really all together!

And she didn't name him, just in case he was really SD-6. That is so sweet.

They'll have to learn to trust one another. Sniff. And I love so much that the show was more about Syd and Jack than anything else.

season 1, discussion post, 1x01 - truth be told

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