Becoming Dad

May 22, 2018 16:30

Title: Becoming Dad
Characters: Dean, Jack and Sam, Dean/Sam
Rating: PG
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 484
Summary: After spending some real significant time with the kid, Dean starts to accept his new role, and there's something he has to do first.

A/N: This is pure self-indulgence and is ALL for you stir_of_echoes. Set in the same "verse" as Jack's Birthday and ( Read more... )

crazy love, stir_of_echoes, all you need is love, fandom: supernatural, genre: wincest, verse: jack's two dads, for the very lovely jules, love you bb!, character: dean winchester, crazy laura, character: jack, character: sam winchester, genre: family, family, genre: established relationship, genre: schmoop, medium: fic, my beautiful stir

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Comments 22

milly_gal May 23 2018, 17:46:11 UTC
Oh my LIFE! Just stunningly lovely, Dean welcoming Jack into the family, letting him know in no uncertain terms that he's family, that he's always gonna be family. Dean would step on hot coals for those he loves, I am so chuffed that Jack's in that circle of special people!!!

Beautiful bb xx


the_rant_girl May 24 2018, 15:35:39 UTC
Ahhhh, thank you, my love *smooches* I am so very happy that you like this, and yes Dean doesn't want Jack to ever doubt again that he is theirs, that he is wanted and loved. And well I'm just completely enamoured with the three of them, Dean, Sam and Jack as a family unit. Mama!bear Sammy and Papa!Bear Dean and baby!bear Jack lol ♥♥


hugemind May 23 2018, 19:10:34 UTC
I can so picture them with their sappy smiles, thinking about how to help Jack to fit in. :D


the_rant_girl May 24 2018, 15:40:16 UTC
Heeee, thank you, BB!! *hugs* and yes they just want to make their boy happy!! ♥♥


ext_3601780 May 24 2018, 16:02:01 UTC
this was awesome.
I can just see this happening > “C’mere,” Dean beckoned him with his hand, and Jack stepped forward tentatively. Once he was within reach, Dean pulled him in the rest of the way and held him tight to his chest. Jack was theirs. His and Sam’s. He let out a huff, trying to temper the little burst of emotion as Jack hugged back and he kissed the side of his head.
you have them so in character.
thnx for sharing. take care ❤


the_rant_girl May 24 2018, 17:07:41 UTC
Aww thank you so very much, I'm glad that they still felt like the boys *hugs* and extra shiny!happy that you liked the Dean and Jack embrace!! MWA!! ♥♥


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the_rant_girl May 24 2018, 22:33:25 UTC
:D:D Thank you!! ♥ And yes, he needed to say it, Jack is just so sweet and forgiving and just so pleased and willing to take any form of positivity from Dean, that it just made Dean feel like an even bigger dick than he had been to Jack at the start, so he needs Jack to know that he's sorry and that it wasn't acceptable for Dean to treat him that way. He needed to make it right, and for Jack to know that his love wasn't conditional. ♥♥


runedgirl May 27 2018, 04:38:38 UTC
Yep, that's how it is in the bunker, I'm certain :)


the_rant_girl May 27 2018, 17:41:46 UTC
I mean it's the only (head)canon I see!! ;P lol thanks, hon ♥


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