Wine Wednesday {have another glass}

Apr 30, 2018 14:07

Title: Wine Wednesday
Characters: Dean and Rowena
Rating: R
Word Count: 625
Summary: They've been doing this for a while now, and this week Dean has a surprise for her. Rowena might just get more than she bargained for.

A/N: This is for the lovely jj1564. Originally a double drabble for the DEW Challenge: Rowena, Wine for spn_bigpretzel posted here. Now with some ( Read more... )

character: rowena, character: dean winchester, genre: het, jj1564, genre: humour, fandom: supernatural, love you bb!, medium: fic

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Comments 18

jj1564 April 30 2018, 14:47:29 UTC
Woo hoo, thank you so much for this! I love their flirting and this little exchange...

Dean smirked a little, “You’re just dying to Pretty Woman me aren’t you?”

She reached up, stroking his cheek with the back of her hand, “My Fair Dean.”

I also love Dean playing with her hair - BOUNCY! - and smelling it, I've had a little hankering for some Dean/Rowena since 'Regarding Dean' and this is perfect - funny, hot and kinda sweet!

Thank you!


the_rant_girl April 30 2018, 16:31:53 UTC
You are so very very welcome, BB!! And thank you, seriously, I am so very happy that you like this and heeee, I just have this image in my head Sam's sitting at the table in the War room, reading, when Dean walks in,

"Dean, why do you look like you just walked out of the pages of GQ?"

Dean looks down at himself, and back up at Sam, "Do I?" he asks all innocence but he can't help the rather pleased smirk that follows, "I don't know what you're talking about, man," and he makes some little adjustments to his clothes, and then says, "Don't wait up."

"Where are you going?"


Sam gives him a look that simply says Dean.

"To a party."

"Since when do you get invited to parties?"

"Since now. And can you save the third degree for later? Don't want to keep her waiting."

"Aha! There is a her. Who is she?"

"What's it to you?"

"If you're dating someone-"

"It's not dating. More like hooking up with benefits ( ... )


jj1564 April 30 2018, 21:54:30 UTC
You really should add this bit to the story, it's so funny and I can see the look of disbelief on Sam's face here...

Dean scrunched his nose, "Dude, no. Gross. She's way too classy for that. And I don't think she actually pays for anything, she like mind-mojos whatever she wants."


Hee hee hee!

Thanks again, my dear xxx


the_rant_girl May 2 2018, 01:46:07 UTC
Thank you, my lovely!! :D:D:D:D:D I am so very pleased that you liked this, BB *smishes and squishes* And heee right? I could SO see Sam's face in my head too bwa ha ha. I dn't know that this would fit directly here, but if I ever write more of Dean and Rowena's Wine Nights lol then I will include this Sam and Dean convo *nods*


stir_of_echoes April 30 2018, 23:17:28 UTC
*fans self* Hot hot hot!!!

Dean hooking a finger into her panties...


the_rant_girl May 2 2018, 01:39:48 UTC
Heeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! *licks* Thank you so very very much, BB!! ♥*hearts; It makes me very shiny!happy that the heat was just right ;P and GUH!! I might have a weakness for that move.......

which reminds me, would you have any interest in reading my Dean/Jess story? lol It's pre-Stanford, and Dean has taken up being an escort to earn some cash, and he's been hired to be Jessica's prom date.

But uh yes, I really couldn't resist a little Dean/Rowena, they have such a fun chemistry, particularly in Regarding Dean. And I mean can we talk about how Dean wanted a threesome with Rowena and Sam when he didn't know who they were? If that doesn't scream underlying wincest lol


stir_of_echoes May 2 2018, 01:53:00 UTC
Dude yes!!! I wouldn't have turned my nose up at that threesome either :)

Sure thing, send me it whenever.


the_rant_girl May 2 2018, 02:22:15 UTC
Heehee!! :D:D

Prom Night


supernutjapan April 30 2018, 23:57:07 UTC
Heeeeee ❤️❤️❤️
*iz dead*


the_rant_girl May 2 2018, 01:41:15 UTC
:D:D Heeeee!! Thank you so much!! I'm glad you enjoyed, lol ♥♥♥♥


milly_gal May 7 2018, 07:00:23 UTC
Are you actively TRYING to kill me?!? *FAINTS* The finger in the panties - *DEAD*


the_rant_girl May 8 2018, 13:50:46 UTC
Haha, not actively, no, *revives you* lol heeeeeeeeeee, thank you, BB!! I'm pleased the uh finger action worked for you ;P lol heeeeeeee ♥♥


milly_gal May 11 2018, 23:38:10 UTC
LOL! Not actively but not upset when you do?! LOL!


the_rant_girl May 21 2018, 17:33:52 UTC
Well, you know ;P lol ♥♥


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