For Big Heart June

Jul 26, 2011 10:56

Title: Mine
Series: The Overbite Saga
Characters: Dean, Sam
Rating: NC-17
Medium: Fic
Word Count: 950
Summary: Dean is a vampire, and Impala!porn ensues, that pretty much sums it up lol.

A/N: My dearest Kat asked me to write her some vampire!Dean, so I did, and this of course then spawned off a prequel, which will be coming your way ASAP. Anyway ( Read more... )

kink: impala porn, character: dean winchester, kink: public sex, genre: slash, pairing: dean/sam, genre: pwp, verse: vampire dean, kink: marking, kink: rimming, kink: fingering, fandom: supernatural, genre: wincest, character: sam winchester, genre: established relationship, medium: fic

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Comments 4

big_heart_june July 26 2011, 12:39:34 UTC
oh God bb, ILU! so hard. vampire!Dean is my weakness and I fucking love how you write him. omg, he's gorgeous and dirty and so incredibly badass. gah. also adore how you write the love and filthydesperate attraction between Sam and Dean....jfc.

I'm dying for more!! thank you honey! YOU ROCK! ♥♥♥


the_rant_girl July 26 2011, 12:55:19 UTC
Awww, hehehe *giggles and then smirks* it pleases me to please you, hehe, *squeezes you tight* seriously you've got me all giddy over here, I wrote this last year, so I can't really remember my thought process lol but Angelus definitely played a part in the inspiration lol Thanks so much! <333


tmn1966 March 18 2012, 21:13:12 UTC
This takes some of the sting out of where you left us with the prequel. At least they're together, so they're able to work some things out.

Dean telling the girl she wasn't his type... very clever and funny. :) And I love Dean being all BAMF and Sam... guh. This part is just gorgeous:

Sam’s head tilting all the way back, as if he were howling at the moon, Dean chuckles against his throat, the vibration it sends through Sam only adding to the pooling heat.

So hot and gorgeous, hon!

I'm looking forward to reading more of the story and how they get from the last part of the sequel to here.



the_rant_girl March 18 2012, 23:21:51 UTC
:DD *grinning deviously* you know I love you right?

I can never resist likening our Sammykins to a werewolf LOL which is made extra fun with Dean being a vampire here :DD

and haha yup I've got my work cut out for me lol

So yes, thank you very much my honey bunny LOL you've got me all excited for this world again *nods*

*huggles and snuggles and smooches*



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